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Agate : Agate is an excellent stone for re balancing and harmonizing body, mind and spirit. It cleanses and stabilizes the aura, eliminating and transforming negativity. Agate enhances mental function, improving concentration, perception and analytical abilities. It soothes and calms, healing inner anger or tension and creates a sense of security and safety. Agate heals the eyes, stomach and uterus; cleanses the lymphatic system and the pancreas; strengthens blood vessels and heals skin disorders. Zodiac – Gemini & Virgo ; Planet – Moon In addition to the generic healing properties of Agate, specific colors and types have additional attributes:
Agate-Banded- energy: projective, element: fire) For protection, restores bodily energy and eases stressful situations.
Agate-Botswana-is beneficial to smokers and those wanting to quit smoking. It helps you to look for solutions rather than dwelling on problems. Helps to explore unknown territory and your own creativity. Botswana Agate aids in seeing the bigger picture. Releases repression. It helps the body to assimilate oxygen. Aids depression. Chakra-Crown Chakra Planet– Pluto Element– Air, Fire
Agate-Black-energy: projective, element: fire) A protective stone, wear for courage and successful competitions. Agate-Blue Lace - (energy: receptive, element: water) Wear or carry this stone for peace and happiness. Place in your hand to distress the entire body.
Agate – Blue/Gray - Gray Agate is a grounding stone, bringing about an emotional, physical and intellectual balance. They aid in centering and stabilizing physical energy. Gray Agate has the power to harmonize yin and yang, the positive and negative forces that hold the universe in place. It works slowly but brings great strength. Its multiple layers can bring hidden information to light. Psychologically, Gray Agate gently facilitates acceptance of one’s self, building self-confidence. It also aids self-analysis and perception of hidden circumstances. Gray Agate enhances mental function as it improves concentration, perception and analytical abilities, leading to practical solutions. Emotionally, it overcomes negativity and bitterness of the heart. It heals inner anger, fostering love and the courage to start again. It is useful for any kind of emotional trauma. It creates a sense of safety and security by dissolving internal tension. Spiritually, Gray Agate encourages quiet contemplation and assimilation of life experiences, leading to spiritual growth and inner stability.
Agate-Crazy Lace - Crazy Lace Agate is called the Laughter Stone, or "Happy Lace." Crazy Lace Agate is a balancing and protecting stone. It brings laughter and absorbs emotional pain. Crazy Lace Agate is used to help with decision making by balancing the physical, emotional, and mental so that it is easy to make decisions. It also helps one stay focused. It is generally a protective stone, but is particularly emotionally protective. It is also said to ward off the "evil eye."
Agate-Dendridic- brings stability in times of strife or confusion. Lends perseverance and the ability to see difficulties as a challenge. Opens and aligns the chakras. Dendritic Agate resonates with blood vessels and nerves. It heals the nervous system and conditions such as neuralgia. It cleanses and stabilises the aura, eliminating and transforming negativity. Agate enhances mental function, improving concentration, perception and analytical abilities. It soothes and calms, healing inner anger or tension and creates a sense of security and safety.
Agate-Fire -Fire Agate (sometimes called Flame Agate) is a variety of Agate containing Limonite and/or Iron, giving it a luminescent, fiery “flash”, from which its name is derived. Fire Agate is linked to the element of Fire and, as such, is a very protective stone. It can give you courage and strengthen your will power, enabling you to complete those half-finished projects with gusto. Use Fire Agate to protect you against those who would cause you ill-will, sending those harmful feelings back to the source. Fire Agate is a stone that enables you to feel safe and secure not just physically, but emotionally as well. This is a great stone for shy or fearful children to carry who may be bullied or harassed, giving them courage to speak up and/or stand up for themselves. Fire Agate will not tolerate slackers and will enable its user to demand higher standards from him/herself as well as others. A stone of ambition, Fire Agate can be used to achieve higher goals, especially if you are trying to push a new proposal or product. Physically, Fire Agates increase blood circulation and metabolic rate; reduce fevers as well as hot flashes, and enhance vision, especially at night
Agate-Fossil Coral - is a grounding stone good for bringing about change. Agate is thought to be able to help heal pancreatic disorders and improve blood and air circulation. Fossil coral is used for healing eye, skin and stomach illnesses. It is even believed to enhance longevity. It is a symbol of modesty, wisdom, happiness and immortality. It is commonly known to remedy spasms of intestines, sleeplessness, and bladder stones.
Agate-Grape is a very soothing stone and stabilizing stone. It is protective and radiates a warm and meditative energy. Grape Agate encourages security and inner stability. It helps to cleanse your auras and clears your mind of stressful or fearful thoughts. Grape Agate connects you to intuition and supports self-confidence. Grape Agate stimulates the Crown Chakra, and can be useful in meditation. It also can be useful for peaceful sleep. Grape Agate connects you to your dreams and can encourage understanding of what they might mean. It heightens your intuition and focus, and connects you to yourself and your emotions.
Agate-Iris- increase execution power. It is a gemstone to give "courage" and "confidence" necessary for progress. It will gain the strength to make a thing happen and executed. There is also the ability to repel "excuses", "compromise" and "laziness".
Agate-Marcosite-is said to be a gemstone used for powerful meditation. Marcasite gems aid in introspection and tend to resonate more strongly with higher, more spiritual chakras. According to many beliefs, marcasite is a talisman associated with wisdom, courage and expression. It's a magnificent talisman in magic, symbolizes expressiveness, knowledge, boldness, and equality. It enables the user to access the conscious mind. Marcasite is a joyful family life charm and developed the harmonious soul by simply strengthening the wearer's power. Marcasite, according to popular belief, protects the possessor against long-term control. It is also supposed to provide the ability to balance and avoid the modifying power without causing the tuner to become frustrated or furious. Marcasite is well recognized for strengthening its atmosphere and passing on an immediate boost in life. This amulet promotes innovation in construction and the arts and assists the wearer in overcoming cerebral tiredness caused by nervous system lethargy.
Agate-Moss- Holding this gentle and nurturing stone makes one think of sunlight dappling through the leaves and the scents of loam and fresh moss. It is especially beneficial as a gardener's talisman. It balances the emotions, heals the heart and brings a positive outlook. Moss agate can also be used to enhance plant growth and to grow prosperity, manifesting wealth and abundance into your life. It also leads one toward the characteristics of agreeability, persuasiveness, strength in all endeavors and effacy in all pursuits. It will assist in improving the ego and self-esteem, while providing for emotional balancing and strengthening of the positive personality traits. It allows one to see the beauty within all that ones eyes touch.
Red-Moss - Emotional Benefits: It makes you feel happy and positive about life. It makes you feel more confident about your actions and you can become highly self-confident when you wear this. Boosts will power and productivity. Revitalizes the courage and power lying deep within you. Psychological Benefits: It enhances your sense of adventure and makes you free-spirited. It makes you active both physically and mentally. It makes you joyful and vibrant. Physical Benefits: Red represents energy. Wearing this stone on your body can induce high levels of energy and make you feel active all day long. Cures various diseases. Stimulates your sexual energy and makes you feel energized. It makes you more attractive to people. Metaphysical Benefits: Removes negative energies and makes you feel good about yourself and your life in general. Transfers your positive energy to people around you. Solves problems related to your zodiac sign. Brings good luck in marriage opportunities. Draws attention towards the wearer of the stone.
Agate-Montana Moss- is a very grounding stone with a strong multi-level cleansing effect that will bring about a physical, emotional, and intellectual balance. This stone will stabilize your energy and harmonize your yin and yang, which will positively influence your personal relationships.
Agate-Silver Leaf -are said to help with grounding and balancing as well as to open the wearer up for acceptance, protection and abundance. Golden Leaf Agates are to assist with acceptance, it offers emotional and physical balance, connects to nature and fosters love.
Agate-Stick - Beneficial in self-analysis and uncovering hidden circumstances that might interfere with well-being. It promotes self-acceptance and confidence, encouraging the speaking of one’s own truth. Agate overcomes negativity and bitterness of the heart, by healing anger, fostering love, and lending the courage to start over. It is useful for any kind of trauma.
Agate-Tree-(Dendritic) Agate is said to assist with introspection and self-discovery. It can give a wider viewpoint of the world. Tree agate relives tension, fever, and skin eruptions. It also brings plentiful crops.
Agate-Turritella - is a spiritual crystal, deeply connected to the earth and home, to one's personal roots and ancestry, even the events of one's past. It is a survival stone, one of strength and protection. Ancient life held within its form lends the power of wisdom and healing.
Atlantasite-is a combination of Stichtite and Serpentine. It is an effective stone for healing cellular memories from past lives, particularly those connected to misuse of power. By clearing negative imprints from past lives, it advances and accelerates spiritual evolution and ascension work
Aluminum Beads- PhysicalAluminium promotes alkaline metabolic processes. It will help with all problems caused by over-acid conditions, like rheumatism and gout, will decrease excessive acid formation in the stomach. Aluminium supports the absorption of iron in the intestines and normalizes conductivity in the nerves, it helps with symptoms of weakness, slowed down perception, even paralysis. Psychological/EmotionalAluminium has a very calming effect on nervousness, fears and feelings of guilt. A typical indicator is the feeling of impending madness. Aluminium encourages the facility to express feelings, and releases behavioural patterns of holding onto things as well as holding back. Stimulates the desire for change and alteration. Spiritual Aluminium helps with the loss of identity, finding ourselves again, and who we really are and our task in life. It encourages a sense of reality, soberness and alertness at any given moment, aids recognition of the seductions of modern life as the illusions they are and helps us to deal with them.
Amazonite- is a soothing stone. It calms the brain and nervous system and aids in maintaining optimum health. Balances the masculine and feminine energies. Amazonite helps you to see both sides of a problem or different points of view. It soothes emotional trauma, alleviating worry and fear. Dispels negative energy, aggravation and blockages within the nervous system. Amazonite assists in manifesting universal love. It protects against electromagnetic pollution and absorbs microwaves. Amazonite is beneficial in osteoporosis, tooth decay, calcium deficiency and calcium deposits. It relieves muscle spasms. Chakras -Heart Chakra,Throat Chakra
Zodiac-Virgo Planet -Uranus Element -Earth
Amber-is a powerful healer and cleanser of the body, mind and spirit. It also cleanses the environment. Amber draws disease from the body, healing and renewing the nervous system and balancing the right and left parts of the brain. It absorbs pain and negative energy, helping to alleviate stress. Amber clears depression, stimulates the intellect and promotes self-confidence and creative self-expression. It encourages decision-making, spontaneity and brings wisdom, balance and patience. Amber opens the throat center, treating goiters and other throat problems. It also treats stomach, spleen, kidneys, bladder, liver and gallbladder. Amber strengthens the mucus membranes and alleviates joint problems. Chakras – Sacral, Solar plexus & Throat; Zodiac – Leo & Aquarius; Planet – Sun; Element – Fire Sumatran Blue Amber - a stone of the Light, promoting abundant warmth and strongly aligning you with its nurturing energy. As such, amber is a deeply protective ally that prevents psychic attack and readily repels anything dark. It will surround you with an energetic light shield to make you feel safe and held. It also activates the Solar Plexus, bringing health and igniting your confidence and personal power . As its name implies, this stone is prized throughout the world for its gorgeous and intense blue color. Not all of these pieces are alike. In fact, no two are the same. Each is unique. Some pieces have a little more blue and some have a little less. But every piece is deep, dark, rich, and intense. Please allow for variation. Blue amber is known as a Solar Plexus and Third Eye stone. It is similar to yellow amber in that it purifies energy and clears low vibrations, but it also aids in developing one’s psychic abilities. This beautiful stone brings clarity and a renewed perspective. Amber Teething jewelry (bracelet/necklace) Children's Baltic Amber Bracelets make a great gift and can also be worn as an anklet! Perfect to wear under a sock at night to make sure your child receives all the wonderful benefits of Baltic Amber the whole night. How Does A Teething Necklace Work?
The teething necklace works like an extremely effective natural analgesic and it’s healing effects will help to calm your baby. It enhances calmative, analgesic, antispasmodic, expectorant, and febrifuge (anti-fever) functions. When you place the amber necklace next to your baby's warm skin, the amber releases healing oils which are naturally absorbed via the skin into the bloodstream. These oils reduce pain caused by teething, red inflamed cheeks and it stimulates the thyroid glands to reduce drooling. Baltic amber is known to boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, accelerate healing, and reduce throat, ear and stomach infections and respiratory disease as well as simply maintain healthy living. You will find that using an amber teething necklace will mean that you do not have to resort to the use of unnatural drugs. We all understand the benefits of using organic, natural products especially for our babies. Unlike unnatural remedies such as teething gels or pain relief syrups, the traditional beaded amber teething necklaces are a far less intrusive remedy for the pain and side effects of teething. Using an amber necklace teething to soothe a child’s teething pain is a practice that’s been around for thousands of years. It’s the only 100% natural, drug free, proven way to reduce the pain of teething! PLEASE NOTE: Amber teething necklaces/bracelets are made to wear but NOT to chew! Teething jewelry should be removed from the neck when child is sleeping or unattended! (Many people find it helpful to wrap the necklace around the child’s ankle and cover with a sock at bedtime.) How Do I Use Amber For Non-Teething Pain?
Baltic amber works best when worn nearest to the site of pain. For example; If you have headaches, neck pain, or dental issues, we suggest wearing a necklace. If you suffer from arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome, a bracelet or ring is best.
Proper Use And Care Of Your Baltic Amber The amber teething necklace is designed to be worn close to the skin in order to absorb the healing oils, NOT to chew or put in baby’s mouth!
Teething jewelry should be removed when child is sleeping or unattended!
The teething necklace may be worn as your baby starts teething or showing any signs of pain or discomfort from teething.
All amber jewelry should be removed for bathing and should also not be worn in chlorinated pools or spas. Clean often with warm water and a soft cloth. Any film or buildup on the beads (from lotions, soaps, perfume, hairspray, etc.) can interfere with the release and/or absorption of d into the skin which lessens the effectiveness of the necklace. Your Baltic Amber should be worn as often as possible (making sure that it stays in contact with your skin) - including bedtime! ***Disclaimer we are not responsible for any accidents with the Amber teething products, use at your own risk, and check jewelry often and watch your child when wearing it!***
Ametrine calms the mind by clearing stress and tension from the head. Balances and soothes emotions and relieves depression. Ametrine overcomes prejudice by enhancing compatibility and acceptance of others. It stimulates creativity and supports taking control of one’s own life. Strengthens concentration, bringing clarity, and harmonizing perception and action. Ametrine instigates change and eases transition. It strengthens the immune system and aids the autonomic nervous system. It heals physical, mental and emotional exhaustion. Alleviates allergies and digestive disorders. Chakras – Solar Plexus & Crown; Zodiac – Libra
Amethyst-is a powerful and protective stone. It guards against psychic attack, transmuting the energy into love and protecting the wearer from all types of harm, including geopathic or electromagnetic stress and ill wishes from others. Amethyst is a natural tranquilizer, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities. It has strong healing and cleansing powers. Amethyst encourages sobriety, having a sobering effect on overindulgence of alcohol, drugs or other addictions. It calms and stimulates the mind, helping you become more focused, enhancing memory and improving motivation. Amethyst assists in remembering and understanding dreams. It relieves insomnia. Encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom. Amethyst boosts hormone production, tunes the endocrine system and metabolism. It strengthens the immune system, reduces pain and strengthens the body to fight against cancer. It destroys malignant tumors and aids in tissue regeneration. Cleanses the blood. Relieves physical, emotional and psychological pain or stress. Amethyst eases headaches and releases tension. It reduces bruising, swellings, injuries, and treats hearing disorders. Amethyst heals diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, skin conditions, cellular disorders and diseases of the digestive tract. Chakras – Third Eye & Crown; Birthstone – February; Zodiac – Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces; Planet – Jupiter; Element – Air Bahia Amethyst -These beautiful Amethyst points are mined in the state of Bahia, Brazil and are elestial wands. When these first arrived at For Heaven’s Sake, we were blown away by the rich purple color and how good they felt to hold! We sell a lot of these pieces, but luckily Bahia Amethyst is plentiful and we have a lot in the stores – and just in time for the holidays. The properties of Bahia Amethyst are the same as typical Amethyst: Amethyst is an exceptional stone for overcoming addictions and sloughing off unwanted behaviors. Extremely calming, it opens a gateway for spiritual balance and access to memories of blissful Divine perfection. It stills the mind, incorporating a peaceful state of pragmatic mindfulness with higher dimensional learning. While Amethyst lifts us up, it also has the ability to bring on a gentle grounding effect so that a feeling of being balanced and present reigns. Amethyst opens the Crown Chakra and creates a pathway for access to higher vibrations. It instills the ability to act responsibly and to honor the vibration of love for All That Is. Because of its serene nature, Amethyst encourages selflessness and helps one to release anger and fear. In meditation, it shows one the bigger picture and instills deep acceptance and understanding for the laws of the Universe. Amethyst has been known to help with anxiety disorders, alcoholism and other addictive themes, insomnia and mental disorders. Amethyst, Brandberg- excellent for people looking for help in keeping cool and calm under great pressure. The soothing calming influence of Amethyst, the grounding properties of the Smoky Quartz – along with the balancing properties of Clear Quartz all play their part in helping one cope with, and even thrive under the most challenging of conditions.Itengenders unconditional love and Divinity at the center of the universe. It brings profound healing, especially in matters of the heart. It is excellent for dissolving past-life heartbreak or soul-contracts, and frees one to manifest a partner who supports one in their fullness and spiritual being. Amethyst, Chevron- combines the metaphysical powers between Quartz and the stress relieving properties of Amethyst, lessening ones resistance on your path to self-discovery. This stone is often said to be stronger and more powerful, especially with higherchakras, focusing on the third eye and crown chakras Amethyst, Vera Cruz- is a very special high vibration crystal. The energy of the Vera Cruz Amethyst will create an excellent connection with spirit, and a protective energy surrounding the user. Vera Cruz Amethyst will take you almost instantly into a meditative and/or journeying state. This is because Vera Cruz Amethyst can produce an immediate *Beta* state during meditation, and can help those who are having a difficult time achieving a deep meditation. This property can also help those trying to connect with angels or spirit guides. Try mediating with a Vera Cruz Amethyst Point on the Third Eye Chakra for developing intuition and connecting with spiritual realms. While Amethyst works with the Third-Eye, Crown, and Etheric Chakras, many use Vera Cruz Amethyst for the Heart and Throat Chakras as well. This allows for any information received through the Etheric and Crown Chakras to be processed and absorbed through the other three Chakras. Using Vera Cruz Amethyst with the Heart Chakra can promote Universal Love within the self, for application in one*s daily life. Ammonite:is often used for stability in life. This is actually a fossilized creature that resembled a snail, over 65 million years old. It is now a helpful stone which offers a sense of relaxation. It is believed that Ammonite brings stability and order in life, and eases spiritual growth and development. It is useful for professions that require accuracy and analytical thinking. Ammonite is a stone of protection. It provides for insight and it helps to assist one in seeing the"whole picture."Since it is associated with the Root Chakra, it encourages ones survival instincts and is grounding. Folk Remedies: Believed to ease birthing pains and bring relaxation. It helps to remind us to keep breathing, due to its circular design. It is useful in fighting depression and degenerative ailments and is also good for the lungs. Feng Shui: Ammonite is believed by Feng Shui masters to be associated to the scales of the mythical creature "Chi Lin" Therefore, it is said to be a powerful wealth stone and brings prosperity, grandeur and illustrious sons, similar to the potency of the Chi Lin. Chakras – Third Eye ; Zodiac – Aquarius History: Now extinct, the ammonite mollusk was a shelled cephalopod, usually appearing in a coiled, spiral shape. The extinction of ammonites coincided with the extinction of dinosaurs. Ammonites inhabited the world's oceans and now appear as fossils in marine rocks. Because of their rapid evolution and wide distribution, ammonite fossils provide a useful tool for indexing and dating rocks. It is said that the original discus used by the ancient Greeks in their Olympics was in fact a fossilized ammonite. In India, ammonite fossils are identified with the god Vishnu and are used in various ceremonies. They are mostly collected in Nepal, from the bed of the River Gandaki where it cuts through Jurassic sediments. These fossils are known as "shaligram shila". The word ammonite is derived from Ammon, an Egyptian god who took the form of a ram. Ammonites are similar in appearance to a ram's horn Angelite is a variety of Anhydrite. It is a soft mineral which will convert into Gypsum if immersed in water, so DO NOT wear while bathing or swimming. ♥ Strengthens organs ♥ For creative people ♥ Inner guidance ♥ Converts fear into faith ♥ Astral travel. It raises the state of conscious awareness. It represents peace and brotherhood. Angelite facilitates contact with your angels and spirit guides and helps to connect with your higher self. It enhances psychic healing and telepathic communication and enables astral travel and spirit journeys. Because of its ability to deepen attunement and heighten perception, Angelite is a powerful stone for healers. It also provides protection for the environment or the body. Psychologically, Angelite helps you to speak your truth. It promotes communication and self-expression. Dispels fear, anger and anxiety, converting them into faith and tranquility. Angelite encourages forgiveness. It alleviates psychological pain and counteracts cruelty. Mentally, Angelite enhances astrological understanding and brings deeper understanding of mathematics. It also facilitates telepathic contact between minds. Spiritually, Angelite is filled with compassion. It transmutes pain and disorder into wholeness and healing, opening the way for spiritual inspiration. It creates a deep feeling of peace and tranquility. It helps connect to universal knowledge and raises awareness. Angelite facilitates the rebirthing process, stimulates healing, and opens psychic channeling. Angelite supports the throat, alleviating inflammation and balancing the thyroid and the parathyroids. It repairs tissue and corrects blood deficiencies and helps to renew blood vessels. Angelite balances the fluids within the physical body, and can act as a diuretic. It is useful in weight control, and relates particularly to the lungs and arms. Angelite can be used for headaches, heart function, the circulatory system and infectious diseases. At a subtle level, Angelite balances the physical body with the etheric realms. Chakras - Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra Zodiac - Aquarius Typical colours - Colourless, white, bluish white, violet, dark grey Apatite is a stone of manifestation. It is related to service and to humanitarian pursuits. Apatite is attuned to the future, yet connects to past lives. It stimulates the development of our psychic gifts and spiritual attunement, deepening meditation and aiding communication and self-expression on all levels. It balances the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, and the chakras, eliminating overactivity and stimulating underactivity. Psychologically, Apatite increases motivation. It draws off negativity about oneself and others. It is helpful for hyperactivity and autism in children. Apatite enhances creativity and the intellect. It clears confusion and frustration, reducing irritability and awakening the inner self. Apatite expands knowledge and truth and eases sorrow, apathy, and anger. Physically, Apatite aids in the absorption of calcium,helping cartilage, bones and teeth; healing bones and encouraging the formation of new cells. It improves arthritis and joint problems. Apatite can successfully help in suppressing hunger and raising the metabolic rate, encouraging healthy eating. It heals the glands, meridians, organs and overcomes hypertension. Zodiac – Gemini Blue Apatiteopens the throat chakra. It enhances communication in groups and facilitates public speaking. It heals the heart and emotions. Blue Apatite connects to a very high level of spiritual guidance. Chakra – Throat Yellow Apatite activates the solar plexus chakra. It is a great eliminator of toxins and draws off stagnant energy. Yellow Apatite treats depression and lethargy and can overcome a lack of concentration and inefficient learning. It aids poor digestion and helps to remove cellulite, treats the liver, pancreas, gallbladder and spleen. Emotionally, it neutralizes stored anger. Chakra – Solar plexus
Aquamarine-is a stone of courage. Its calming energies reduce stress and quiet the mind. Aquamarine has an affinity with sensitive people. It can invoke tolerance of others and overcomes judgmentalism, giving support to those overwhelmed by responsibility. Clarifies perception, sharpens the intellect and clears confusion. Useful for closure on all levels. Promotes self-expression. Soothes fears and increases sensitivity. Sharpens intuition and opens clairvoyance. Wonderful for meditation. Shields the aura and aligns the chakras. Highly protective during pregnancy, it helps to guard both mother and baby from harm. Discourages miscarriage. Aquamarine is helpful to sore throats, swollen glands and thyroid problems. It regulates hormones and growth. Boosts the immune system and alleviates overreactions, such as hayfever or allergies. Counteracts short-or long-sightedness. Chakras-Throat; Birthstone- March; Zodiac-Aries,Gemini,Scorpio,Aquarius,Pisces
Aragonite-is said to foster truth, understanding and an unclouded perception of reality. Believed to be a stone of nurturing, it uplifts your feelings from stressful oppression into freedom and clarity through its ability to enhance tolerance, trust and insight by providing understanding into the root of problems. Aragonite, with its gentle yellow and warm orange colors, has been traditionally used to make jewelry for young adults to help them learn patience, instill them with responsibility, generate the ability to be punctual and to stave off the habits of procrastination. Through these attributes, aragonite it is said to bring stability and empowerment to the turbulent enthusiasms of adolescence and helps teens channel their energy constructively. Aragonite increases energy, boosts self-confidence and feelings of self-worth as you learn to place trust in yourself. A wonderful stone for parents and people in tense relationships that test the nerves, aragonite relieves stress, emotional fatigue and anger, bringing patience when it is needed most! Indeed, aragonite jewelry can improve the time-keeping abilities for the whole family as well as in the workplace. Amazing aragonite can also be used to help motivate procrastinating family members who regularly put off important tasks until tomorrow. Aragonite also promotes reliability and discipline in people, providing insight into difficult issues, especially in business. At work, aragonite helps clear the mind, stimulates motivation and provides mental energy required to meet professional challenges.
Blue Aragonite- is a stabilizing stone that centers and grounds physical energies, being useful in time of stress. It helps to prepare for meditation and stabilizes spiritual development. It provides insight into the causes of problems and situations. Aragonite aids concentration and brings tolerance and flexibility to the mind. It teaches acceptance and patience, especially helpful to those who feel they have too much responsibility. Aragonite provides strength and support, helping to combat anger and emotional stress. Aragonite is attuned to the Earth Goddess, encouraging conservation and recycling. It is a reliable earth-healer and grounding stone. Aragonite transforms geopathic stress. Aragonite brings warmth to the extremities. It combats deficiencies in Vitamins A and D. Aragonite combats dis-ease and can stop night twitches and muscle spasms. It also helps with general aches and pains. Zodiac-Capricorn
Aventurine-is a stone of prosperity. It reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness. Promotes compassion and empathy. Encourages perseverance. Aventurine relieves stammers and severe neuroses. It stabilizes one’s state of mind, stimulates perception and enhances creativity. Aids in seeing alternatives and possibilities. Calms anger and irritation. Promotes feelings of well-being. Aventurine balances male-female energy. It encourages regeneration of the heart. Protects against environmental pollution. Aventurine benefits the thymus gland and nervous system. It balances blood pressure and stimulates the metabolism, lowering cholesterol. Aventurine has an anti-inflammatory effect and eases skin eruptions, allergies, migraines, and soothes the eyes. It heals lungs, sinuses, heart, muscular and urogenital systems. Chakra – Heart ; Zodiac – Aries , Leo
Green Aventurine-is a comforter and heart healer. It neutralizes all sources of electromagnetic pollution, blocking out emanations from computers, television and other electronic equipment. Green Aventurine settles nausea and dissolves negative emotions and thoughts. It brings well-being and emotional calm. A good all-round healer.
Blue Aventurine- helps those with addictions to take responsibility for their problems. When used in meditation it will assist you in overcoming addictions. Blue Aventurine clears old, stagnant energies, helping you to open up to inner growth and spiritual work. It also strengthens communication abilities, helping you to speak out when required and being true to yourself.
Azurite-is a stone that activates and unlocks our third eye and crown chakras, thereby linking the two. It's known as one of the premier stones when it comes to accessing our own psychic abilities. It can assist you with lucid dreaming, astral projection, intuitive meditation, insight, and inner vision. If one has many dreams and often wonders what they mean, then this is the perfect stone for you! Azurite can help enhance those very dreams and decode their imagery. Azurite will raise one's mental awareness, intellect, and wisdom that can help you reach new goals and desires. This copper carbonate is all about the mind and will help in the cleansing and purging of negativity within it. Azurite brings with it great clarity that can help in the disposing of negative thoughts, bad habits, and even addictions. Azurite works well with other high-frequency stones such as Phenacite, Shattuckite, and Danburite. When using these stones with Azurite, our third eye will both strengthen and mental awareness expands. The result of this is that our intuitive side will begin to shine and help with numerous psychic abilities
Barite- enhances friendship, harmony and love. It Initiates independence and motivation and is cathartic to the emotional self, allowing for release of trapped emotions and feelings, bringing calm and self-assurance. Barite assists in the renewal of intuitive energies, providing a strong, yet delicate connection to the spiritual world. A great piece for removing toxins from the body and to assist in recovery from addictions.
Barite Roses: These very unique stone is an aggregate of barite (barium sulfate) crystals and sand whose iron content gives it a reddish hue. The barite crystals form a circular array of flat plates, giving the rock a shape similar to a rose blossom. Rose rocks appear either as a single rose bloom or as clusters of blooms. The rose rock was selected as the official state rock of Oklahoma in 1968. The rose rocks I have are lovingly hand picked in Oklahoma by Steve Kowalski. These stones are more rare than diamonds due to the fact they only formed in a small area 250 million years ago from a sea eroding barite deposits. American Indian legend tells that spirits of Indian warriors returned to carve the Barite rose. It provides a strong and delicate connection to the spirit world, and assists one on the path toward the journey and the goal. It can help relax the nervous system. In addition to the dream and spiritual journeying, they offer a good solution for relationship loyalty, addiction, cleansing. Folk Remedies: On a physical level, Barite is used to cleanse the system of toxins, to soothe a nervous stomach and to assist in the healing of addictions. In the 20th century scientists discovered that barite (barium) could protect against dangerous x-rays, radioactivity and ultraviolet radiation. Barite's protective properties helps those working around computers and those working around low levels of radiation. It is used to reduce the level of skin damage. Therefore, it is useful for treating sunburn. Barite water is used to treat scaly, irritated and inflamed skin. Therefore, it is very useful for acne, eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis.Another wonderful folk remedy is using barite water to treat fungal infection. Use barite to augment the energy of other stones. Special note:Barite water can be made by placing this stone in 4 cups of water and placing it in the sun for 48 hours. Strain the concoction into a clean glass with a stopper or cover. Apply this water topically to skin inflammation, dermatitis, acne, fungal infections, eczema, psoriasis and sunburn. Not recommended for drinking. Feng Shui: Use in the Center area for health and balance, in the Prosperity corner for balancing your thoughts about money and in the Career area for strengthening your resolve. Crystal Cleansing:This stone is self regulating and does not need recharging. History: Barium, is an orthorhombic mineral form of barium sulfate (BaSO4). It is the chief barium ore and is also called barytes and barite. Discovered only about two hundred years ago, barite was used as a protective stone. It is a white or colorless mineral which is often tinged with blue, brown, gray, red or yellow. It's name is derived from the Greek word "barys" meaning heavy. In the 20th century scientists discovered that barite (barium) could protect against dangerous x-rays, radioactivity and ultraviolet radiation. It is also used to add weight to oil well drilling mud to keep oil in the drill hole and prevent oil from gushing out of the hole. Barite is found all over the world either in masses, crystals or the famous desert rose. Some of the many countries are Mexico, Canada, England and the USA.
Bismuth- is believed to be an element that stimulates energy, vitality and can help you achieve your goals, especially when working as part of a team. It may be used to support transformation by aiding travel between the physical plane and realms of astral and spirit. It is also thought to help with visualisation while shamanic journeying. Lastly, it is believed to aid in relieving feelings of overwhelm, isolation and loneliness.
Blood Stone-is an excellent blood cleanser and a powerful healing stone. It heightens intuition and increases creativity. It is grounding and protecting. Bloodstone draws off negative environmental energy, helping to overcome influences such as geopathic or electromagnetic stress. It stimulates dreaming and is a powerful revivalist. Gives courage and teaches you how to avoid dangerous situations. Bloodstone encourages selflessness and idealism. Assists in acting in the present moment. Bloodstone calms and revitalizes the mind, dispels confusion and enhances decision-making. Assists in adjusting to unaccustomed circumstances. Reduces irritability, aggressiveness and impatience. Ideal for anemia, Bloodstone purifies and fortifies the blood. It detoxifies the liver, intestines, kidneys, spleen and bladder. Bloodstone regulates and supports blood flow and aids in the circulation. It reduces pus formation, neutralizes toxins and stimulates the lymphatic system, healing inflammations and infections. Bloodstone is also helpful in healing blood related cancers such as leukemia. Chakras -Base Chakra Birthstone -March Zodiac -Aries,Libra,Pisces Planet- Mars
Calcite - Deepen intellect , Memory , Wisdom , Psychic abilities , Spirituality , Astral projection , Channeling , Higher Consciousness Calcite is a carbonate mineral. The simplest forms of Calcite are pure white, but the presence of other compounds during formation can create beautiful colored Calcite. Zodiac-Cancer Typical colors -White, Yellow, Red, Orange, Blue, Green, Brown, Grey. Calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy. It cleans negative energies from the environment. It brings forth a polarizing prismatic energy, which engenders a spectrum of energy to clear and to activate all of the chakras. Calcite is a spiritual stone that facilitates the opening of higher consciousness and psychic abilities. It helps mind and body to remember soul experiences. Calcite is also a good choice for distance healing work, because it amplifies the energy being sent. Calcite connects the emotions with the intellect. Calcite is also known as the "stone of the mind". It is an excellent stone when studying the arts and sciences. It calms the mind, teaches discernment, stimulates insights, and boosts memory. Calcite heightens mental discernment and analysis, increases memory and learning abilities. Calcite is THE stone for students and academics, and can be indispensable at helping students to retain their lessons. It is also useful during times of mental adjustments and disagreements. It can show you a new way to look at a situation, easing you away from old, outdated thought patterns that may be in the way of new ideas. It cleanses and improves the functions of the kidneys, pancreas, and spleen. It dissolves calcification of the bones. It balances the assimilation of calcium within the body, strengthening the skeleton and joints. It alleviates intestinal and skin conditions, stimulates blood clotting and tissue healing. It can also help to improve the body's absorption of important vitamins and minerals.
Cobaltoan Calcite- is a nurturing and soothing crystal of love and joy. It fills the heart with love for others, supports self-love, heals inner-child wounds, and relieves anxiety and stress. This varietal of Calcite is useful for anyone who has been physically or emotionally traumatized and is good for post-natal depression. It is a sweet and gentle crystal that helps promote mother and child bonding. A Heart Chakra stone, it aids in releasing buried emotions and blockages to harmonize emotions and intellect. It is uplifting and encourages us to think positively and let go of negative feelings that we may be holding onto. It brings increased harmony to people working together, and aids in forming friendships. Like all Calcites, Cobaltoan is an excellent crystal for students, as it allows for more effective studying, retain lessons learned, and amplifies learning. This stone helps us to discover our innate talents and our life purpose. It stimulates creativity, uplifts emotion, promotes harmony, and dispels negativity. Cobaltoan Calcite charges the auric bodies and facilitates a deep, steady connection to the spirit world. It is an excellent stone for meditation and may be used to induce deep relaxation and generate new ideas and solutions. It is a useful too to help achieve a Theta state. Cobaltoan Calcite assists us in understanding the cause and effect the lessons we are experience, and supports forgiveness and the ability to transcend undesirable or challenging circumstances through compassionate love. This crystal can be used to act as a guide to past-lives and allows the creation of a reality that is based on our highest potential. For Earth healing, Cobaltoan Calcite may be placed in an area of disturbed or vandalized Earth energy. A useful stone for gridding, this stone is perfect for any type of fairy magic and ritual to invite love into your life.
Orange Calcite- helps integrate the spiritual realm with the physical body, enhances creativity, and is helpful with emotional issues. Use Orange Calcite to energize and cleanse the Root and Sacral Chakras and to bring positive energy into the areas of the will and sexuality. Meditating with Orange Calcite can bring insights into the causes of apathy or lethargy, allowing one to take back control over one's life.
Orange Calcite- helps integrate the spiritual realm with the physical body, enhances creativity, and is helpful with emotional issues. Use Orange Calcite to energize and cleanse the Root and Sacral Chakras and to bring positive energy into the areas of the will and sexuality. Meditating with Orange Calcite can bring insights into the causes of apathy or lethargy, allowing one to take back control over one's life. Orange Calcite's vital energy can serve as a catalyst for the release of past traumas that have been holding you back, allowing for optimism and joy to come in. Those experiencing depression will benefit from Orange Calcite's infusion of bright vibrations into the lower chakras.
Pink Mangano Calcite- Mangano Calcite is a stone of peace and well-being. By enhancing the flow of energy from the Crown Chakra down into the Heart Chakra, Mangano Calcite attracts new opportunities to learn the concept of Universal Love. Mangano Calcite helps healers and counselors forge a strong, energetic bond with a patient, allowing the healing vibrations to travel to the right location on the client. Mangano Calcite can be very calming when held in the hand during meditation or energy work. Mangano Calcite is a stone that can be used in order to boost self-confidence and self-esteem as well as enhance compassion toward others. It is also beneficial for those enduring any type of emotional trauma, including abuse, the death of someone close or a break-up. Those who suppress their emotions will benefit from Mangano Calcite's ability to root out deep-seated causes for acknowledgment and release. Clearing the energy channels and enhancing the flow of energy between the Crown and Heart Chakras, Mangano Calcite can help to clear the emotional center of stagnant or negative energies to make room for new experiences of Divine Love. Mangano Calcite is extremely helpful for long distance healers.
Yellow Calcite- is often used to enhance one's will and self-confidence. The sweet, subtle, and vibrant energy of Yellow Calcite can sometimes be felt when placed directly on the Solar Plexus Chakra and can infuse one with a sense of new hope and optimism to face the future. Those who can benefit most from Yellow Calcite's work on the Solar Plexus are people who are pessimistic, sarcastic, or overly analytical. Yellow Calcite has often been called "the great eliminator". People with anger management issues can meditate with Yellow Calcite to help open them up to knowledge of Divine Love and compassion, which can soothe the fire within that often causes violence. Physically, Yellow Calcite can be used to assist in hormonal imbalances, painful muscles and the detoxification of the kidneys. It is a stone of healing and balance. Yellow Calcite can also help to calm anxieties and soothe the nerves.
Zebra Calcite- stone of motivation, prosperity, power, physical healing, personal will, and peace of mind, Zebra Calcite activates all seven Chakras to assist in spiritual awakening, transformation, self discovery, and self-healing. The grounding force of Zebra Calcite also aids in anxiety relief, overcoming PTSD, insight, empathy, and inner peace. Zebra Calcite is associated with the flowing sensitivity of Pisces, the balanced wisdom of Libra, and Gemini's duality of the soul.
Carnelian- A stabilizing stone, Carnelian restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success. Carnelian is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind. It helps in trusting yourself and your perceptions. It overcomes negative conditioning and encourages steadfastness. Carnelian improves analytic abilities and clarifies perception. It sharpens concentration and dispels mental lethargy. Protects against envy, rage and resentment. Calms anger, banishes emotional negativity and replaces it with a love of life. Carnelian boosts fertility and stimulates sexuality. Carnelian treats lower back problems, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia and depression. It regulates the kidneys, and accelerates healing in bones and ligaments. Improves vitamin and mineral absorption and ensures good blood supply to organs and tissues. Chakras: Base / Sacral; Zodiac – Taurus, Cancer, Leo & Virgo; Planet Mars
Catlinite (Pipestone ; Sacred Pipestone) - Catlinite, also called pipestone, is traditionally used as a Native American ceremony stone, for making pipes and other totems. Catlinite carries the energy of connecting the spiritual and the physical. It can be used to ground prayer and ritual into the physical, everyday life. It is also a very protective stone. Catlinite is also used for communication with spirits and the ancestors. In 1836 a famous American artist, George Catlin - after whom Catlinite is named - wrote down and recorded the Sioux legend about the origin of pipestone, as follows - "At an ancient time the Great Spirit, in the form of a large bird, stood upon the wall of rock and called all the tribes around him. Taking out a piece of the red stone, he formed it into a pipe and smoked it, the smoke rolling over the whole multitude. He then told his red children that this red stone was their flesh, that they were made from it, that they must all smoke to him through it, that they must use it for nothing but pipes: and as it belonged alike to all the tribes, the ground was sacred, and no weapons must be used or brought upon it." Physical Minnesota Pipestone, or Catlinite, has been sacred to the Native Americans for thousands of years and still is today. As such it must be treated with due deference and respect. Physically, it is thought to be beneficial to the lungs in particular, but as it carries the power of the Great Spirit, it helps with all healing. It shows us that the physical and the spiritual cannot be separated. Mental/Emotional Pipestone, although primarily a spiritual stone, can offer us assistance when we need to sort things out or get to the bottom of things. Spiritual Pipestone helps us to realize that the spiritual and the physical are interconnected and that prayer and ritual can be incorporated into everyday life. We can see that everything is sacred and no one thing can be set apart from everything else. This connection between our spiritual life and our physical life is profound. Pipestone is also an excellent stone for meditation and can bring us deep inner peace. Pipestone is extremely useful for healing areas of discord where perhaps in the past there may have been much harm and abuse done to both people and to animals. Pipestone helps us to reconnect to the wisdom of the Native Americans and may also help us to discover and search for our own ancestral line. Pipestone is a manifestation stone and one that not only strengthens the manifestation process but one that may bring us far more than we expect it to. Catliniteis related primarily to the root (base) chakra.
Celestite- It helps a rescued animal to trust humans again or an injured animal to recover its strength and well-being. It helps nervous children experience new activities and environments. It also helps to ease ear, eye, mouth, speech and throat problems, as well as headaches. It can also help relieve acute anxiety , OCD, and digestive disorders with stress as a factor. Celestite will help you break out of negativity, is protective for anyone interested in the new age, as it will protect you from less than spiritual vibes. It is good for meditation and for channeling Angels. It is known as the stone for actors, singers or anyone that performs on stage. Celestite will help you to hear what is being said, rather than what you think is being said. Celestite, also known as Celestine, is revered for its high frequency and Divine energies, and is known as a powerful healing crystal. Celestite has been called a “teacher for the New Age", as it will connect one with the Angelic realms, allowing for the free-flow of these higher frequencies into the Crown and Third-Eye Chakras, and also down into the Throat Chakra for expression. Bringing mental calm and clarity in the midst of any chaotic circumstance, Celestite can allow one to easily flow through a traumatic period and still come out on top. Celestite can relieve stress, anxiety and obsessive behaviors. It is a perfect piece to carry for those who are singers, actors or speakers, as the energy will alleviate any type of stage fright or nervousness. Celestite gives courage to those who suffer from agoraphobia (fear of crowds) or public speaking. It can be beneficial for shy or timid children to try new experiences. Celestite brings harmony and balance, and will assist the holder in finding and maintaining inner peace. Its ability to heighten divine intuition makes Celestite especially useful for Reiki practice. A stone for peace and harmony, Celestite has the potential to bring these qualities into daily living. Celestite is a great facilitator for deep states of meditation, helping to calm the mind and open it to communication from the higher realms. Celestite is a perfect companion to use during dream time. It will assist in recalling not only the dream, but also the specific details of the dream. Information imparted during the dream state will also be recalled with perfect clarity.
Physically, Celestite sends energy to the organs of the higher chakras, aiding the healing of disorders such as brain imbalances, cellular disorders, and ailments of eyes, ears, nose, and throat. Celestite can also act as a detoxifier and pain reliever. Chakra- Throat; Element- Air; Planet- Jupiter; Zodiac – Libra Chalcedony - Emotional balance, Vitality, Stamina, Endurance, Energy, Intensity, Hardiness, Nurturance, Generosity, Liveliness, Kindness , Charity, Friendliness
Chalcedony is a nurturing stone that promotes brotherhood and good will. It absorbs negative energy. It brings the mind, body, emotions and spirit into harmony. Chalcedony instills feelings of benevolence and generosity. It alleviates hostility and transforms melancholy into joy. Eases self-doubt. Creates openness and enthusiasm. Absorbs and dissipates negative thoughts, emotions and bad dreams. Chalcedony improves mineral assimilation and combats mineral buildup in veins. Lessens the effects of dementia and senility. It increases physical energy. Heals the eyes, gallbladder, bones, spleen, blood and circulatory system.
Charoite- is totally unique and rare. It has a very high energy vibration and stimulates and energises both the body and the mind. This stone changes physical, mental and spiritual disease into health. Charoite is a multidimensional stone that assists one in connecting with spirit guides, deities, and entities of other realms. Our third eye, crown, and etheric chakra system is truly stretched to its limits when working with this stone (especially when placed directly on the forehead). The energies released from within Charoite instantly activate the pineal gland and allows for a hasty development of transdimensional vision. Through deep meditation with Charoite, one may soon receive symbolic imagery depicting aspects within our present life. Charoite is recommended for alcohol and food detoxification. It will regulate your blood pressure, and regenerate cells. It will help insomnia, and restless leg syndrome. If you place this stone under your bed or pillow, you can receive relief from all sleep disorders, particularly if used with Amethyst. Charoite gives you much needed energy when you are exhausted and will regulate your blood pressure. Charoite treats the eyes, heart, liver and pancreas. It will reverse liver damage due to alcohol consumption, and eases cramps, aches and pains. Charoite is helpful where there is dysfunction of the nervous system it also can help with autism and bipolar disorders. Charoite helps to strengthen the body and energy field by grounding high-frequency energy into the physical systems. Charoite supports your skeletal structure. It is also a very powerful tool to use when trying to determine the source of disease so proper treatment can result. It helps to attract the right nutrition, doctors and other healthcare practitioners to heal all types of disease. Charoite relieves difficulties with blood pressure, eye and liver problems and migraines or headaches with severe visual disturbance. It will prevent insomnia and sleep disturbances including sleep walking or talking. It alleviates fears of illness, pain, the unknown and mortality.
Chrome Diopside -Diopside is an empowering stone that helps to stimulate learning and understanding, to help one become better connected to the earth, and to bring love to oneself as well as other. Said to hold all the mysteries of the Universe many find that the green Chrome Diopside as a direct connection with Gia or Mother Earth as well as encouraging learning on many levels, specifically when entering educational situations, making a career change that requires learning new skills or in learning a new language; as it is said to assist in assimilating and retaining new information. Known as a creative stone, Diopside will help increase creative visualization, as well as refining one’s desired goals, which will manifest those goals in a quicker fashion. It is said to be related not just to love and commitment but also to the deepest inner heart of hearts. To help one grasp their more feminine side, healing stubbornness and outward aggression, Diopside also brings about the true understanding of one’s dual nature, and how to best integrate the halves to make a complete and tranquil whole. Believed to be helpful in healing emotional trauma by bringing about cleansing tears (which has given it to be called the “crying stone” in some circles). It has been known to help family members to cope when living with those who may be suffering from degenerative mental or physical disabilities; or those dealing with addictions. It may also aid in the development of trust; in one’s self, and others. This often brings about assistance in living from the heart, and not just listening but to trust one’s inner instincts. Physically Diopside is known to facilitate great healing in many ways. It may work in the area of the heart and lungs by clearing energetic blockages allowing free flowing of positive energy. This in turn improves the circulatory system, helping the kidneys and respiratory system. This will then ease headaches and regulate blood pressure. It is a wonderful stone to aid recovery and recuperation from most any illness, not only physically; but emotionally as well, with many psychological ailments or weaknesses. Diopside will aid in recovery from obsessive or addictive behaviors by allowing one to be more open to new ideas that may be of a healing nature. This comes from the releasing of stubbornness and other toxic emotions, and then trusting oneself and others.
Chrysocolla-calms, cleanses and re-energizes all the chakras. It draws out guilt, heals heartache and increases the capacity to love. Improves communication and opens psychic vision. Encourages self-awareness and inner balance. Imparts confidence and sensitivity. Chrysocolla enhances personal power and inspires creativity. Overcomes phobias by drawing out negativity and supplying motivation. Reduces mental tension. Promotes truth-telling and impartiality. Alleviates guilt and brings in joy. Chrysocolla treats arthritis, bone disease, muscle spasms, blood disorders and lung problems. It detoxifies the liver, kidneys and intestines. Re-oxygenates the blood, regenerates the pancreas and regulates insulin. Strengthens muscles and alleviates muscle cramps. Chrysocolla heals infections, lowers blood pressure and soothes burns. Treats PMS and menstrual cramps. Chakras – Throat Zodiac – Taurus, Gemini, Virgo
Chrysoprase-opens, activates and energises the heart and sacral chakras, balances yin-yang energy, and brings Universal energy into the physical body. It induces deep meditative states, and imparts a sense of being a part of the divine whole. Chrysoprase promotes love of truth. It promotes hope, and encourages fidelity in business and personal relationships. It stimulates creativity and draws out ones talents. Chrysoprase heals the inner child, releasing emotions locked in since childhood. It can mend a broken heart, heal relationships and transmute negative emotions into positive ones.
Chrysoprase helps one to overcome compulsive or impulsive angry thoughts and behaviour, and turns your attention to positive events. It brings a sense of security and trust and is useful in healing codependence whilst supporting independence and encouraging commitment. It provides for non-judgmental attitudes and stimulates acceptance of oneself and others. Chrysoprase is a strong detoxifying stone. It eliminates waste from the body, as well as the mind, by stimulating the liver and encouraging the body to rid itself of poisons. It is excellent for relaxation and promoting a peaceful night's sleep, reducing claustrophobia and preventing nightmares. Chrysoprase balances the hormones and treats the reproductive organs, fertility problems, and guards against sexually transmitted diseases. It treats disorders of the lungs and thymus, and soothes the digestive system. Aids mental and physical illness and exhaustion. Treats skin diseases and disorders of the heart. Chrysoprase increases the assimilation of Vitamin C. Chakras-Sacral & Heart Chakra Zodiac-Libra
Citrine- energizesevery level of life. It cleanses the chakras and opens the intuition. Citrine attracts wealth, prosperity and success. It imparts joy, wonder, delight and enthusiasm. Raises self-esteem and self-confidence. Stimulates the brain, strengthening the intellect. Citrine promotes motivation, activates creativity and encourages self-expression. Enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind. It releases negative traits, depression, fears and phobias. Emotionally balancing. Energizing and recharging, Citrine also reverses degenerative disease. Stimulates digestion, the spleen and pancreas. Negates kidney and bladder infections. Citrine helps eye problems, increases blood circulation, detoxifies the blood, activates the thymus and balances the thyroid. Relieves constipation and removes cellulite. Chakras -Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Crown Chakra Birthstone- November Zodiac -Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra Planet- Jupiter
Copper- is known to stimulate energy flow and enhance your psychic abilities. It’s an energy conductor that will move energies and amplify your thoughts. It will also help you in channeling and in communicating with higher dimensional beings. Copper can also ground and move wide array of vibrational frequencies from the spiritual realm to the physical realm. It will amplify your thoughts and send healing energies all over the body. It will also encourage you to achieve physical and emotional alignment. This will result in clearer thinking and less aggressive behavior. You will also enjoy a boost in your self-esteem. When someone is feeling agitated, angry, or distraught, your calming energies will help them calm down as well. Copper is a warming stone. It will help you release excess charges of anger or resentment. It can be used in the treatment of skin diseases and wounds. It can also be helpful with internal diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, anemia, and rheumatoid arthritis. Copper can be used to improve blood circulation, to increase overall physical energy, and to detoxify the body. It can also be used to ease joint stiffness and the discomforts of arthritis by opening the flow of blocked energies. It can increase physical energy and mental agility. It can also support the body’s natural healing process. It’s an essential component of melanin, which gives color to the eyes, hair, and skin. Copper is responsible for keeping the hair from turning grey or thinning out.
Coral- Absorbs negative energy, Platonic love, Friendship, Community, Creativity, Passion, Romantic love, Wisdom, Optimism, Enthusiasm, Balance, Relaxation, Protection, Safe travel on water. Coral represents diplomacy and concurrence. It quiets the emotions and brings peace to within the self. Facilitates intuition, imagination and visualisation. Coral expedites and accelerates the transfer of knowledge. Coral strengthens the circulatory system and the bones of the body. It stimulates tissue regeneration and nourishes the blood cells. Treats disorders of the spinal canal, the alimentary canal, the nervous system, and the thalamus. Coral is a 35th Anniversary gemstone. Zodiac -Taurus,Pisces Planet- Mars Typical colors -Black, pink, red, white, blue In addition to the generic healing properties of Coral, specific colors have additional attributes:
Red Coral- Red Coral stimulates the energetic pursuit of pre-determined goals. It protects from depression and despondency. Treats hiccups, colic and heartburn. Aids in the release of impurities from the muscular system. Red Coral treats disorders of the kidneys, bladder and parathyroid Chakras -Base Chakra
Danburite- Clears and opens the crown Chakra, linking and harmonizing it with the heart. It's One of the highest vibration minerals currently found, “connects the heart of the mind with the mind of the heart". Highly spiritual and sought after for its metaphysical properties, Danburite is a powerful Heart Chakra stone, relieving emotional pain and increasing acceptance of one’s self and of others. It will help you to “let your light shine" The pure love energy of it brings serenity and peace. Gentle yet powerful, it also works with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras. It stimulates the Higher Crown Chakras, connecting the Heart to these Higher Chakras, and aids in communication with Angels and Guides. It is a good stone to have around during times of extreme change, and eases the transition of those leaving the physical human form. It can help heal old deep wounds, as well as clear past Karma. A piece of Danburite in your pocket can ease stress and bring calm in difficult situations. It is a good choice for anyone who is highly focused in the mental body (like academics and engineers), opening the heart and easing reconnection and balance with the emotional body.
Desert Druzy- crystals have beautiful and attractive whirling patterns that are indicative of beautiful landscapes. They are said to have the significant guarding and healing energies of Chalcedony as well as Quartz as they are the beautiful combination of these two. The healing properties of Quartz and the soft energies of Chalcedony make for a fabulous combination of healing energies.It helps remove depression. Its gentle energies will help you feel positive. is a powerful stress reliever bringing healing on a physical, mental, and spiritual level. It stimulates the imagination and awakens one to a feeling of self love and empowerment. It balances the emotional body to relieve stress, depression, sadness, and fear.
Desert Rose (Selenite)- stone of family unity, relieves nausea brought on by stress or anxiety, helps sick or old animals, past life recall. The Rejuvenator, helps with relief of stress and enhances will power. Tissue repair, and fast pain relief. Can be used on auric arcs too to clear and cut in a ritual, releasing one form the connections to people or events past. Often used in relationships to heal a rift, and allow more peaceable end. Magical Use -Meditation, clarity of the mind, physical energy, opening and clearing of the upper chakras. Healing Use -Fertility, sex drive, skin, regeneration of tissues and muscular flexibility.
Dragon Bloodstone- is a stone for perception and personal power and is renowned for its positive effects on the Life Force Energy, or Qi, which flows through both the physical and the etheric bodies. is perfect for anyone who is struggling to assert themselves and to use their personal power wisely. It helps with feelings of victimhood or martyrdom, encouraging you to look at your own strengths and weaknesses objectively and without self-criticism. It allows you to look at the behavior, actions and words of others in an equally objective way, without judgment. Dragonstone is excellent for clearing the subtle and emotional bodies of stress, negative thought patterns, self-pity and anxiety. It keeps you centered and grounded no matter what the situation and ushers in positive, joyful, optimistic vibrations to lift your mood and spirits.
Dumortierite- helps to bring calm, relaxation, and harmony,being extremely helpful in situations where you need to reduce over excited behaviour, and stubbornness. A supportive stone, it encourages confidence and standing up for oneself, whilst staying true to one's beliefs and feelings.
Emerald-Is one of the most valued stones... as from within them emerges the purest form of green ray energy. This heart chakra based energy makes them known as a stone of successful and abundant love. By helping you to let go of negativity, natural Emerald crystals will create positive actions and outcomes, and give you the strength to overcome any problems in your life.
Eudialyte-provides life force, self love, and protection to those who work with it and has a strong impression on the emotional body. It opens us to the wisdom of the heart, teaching us how we can work on ourselves to heal and balance the emotions; rather than looking outward for the solution.
Fluorite- cleanses and stabilizes the aura. It absorbs and neutralizes negative energy and stress. An excellent learning aid, Fluorite increases our powers of concentration, self-confidence and helps us in decision-making. It encourages positivity, balances the energies, and improves balance and coordination, both physically and mentally. Fluorite boosts the immune system and stimulates the regeneration and restructuring of cells and DNA, particularly in the skin and respiratory tract, and heals ulcers and wounds. Fluorite strengthens bone tissue, and alleviates rheumatism, arthritis and spinal injuries. It improves the discomfort of shingles and other nerve-related pain. may be used with other stones. It helps to open the way for the power of other stones to be effective. It can be used as a meditation stone to help energize the body and raise the power of concentration. When placed directly on an affected area, fluorite gradually removes pain. The direct application of the stone is also particularly helpful for ailments such as energy blockages, respiratory issues, suppurating wounds and skin diseases as well as arthritis. Healers use it to help with ulcers as well as the respiratory tract by stimulating cell regeneration in these areas. In addition to the generic healing properties of Fluorite, specific colors have additional attributes. Chakra – Heart, Throat & Third Eye ; Zodiac – Capricorn & Pisces
Fluorite-Rainbow- exhibits 3 distinct color rays, violet, green and blue. Being that this gemstone is three colors, it will help you to heal on three levels; spiritual, emotional, and mental. Whatever your issues are, Rainbow Fluorite will help you to become mentally aware and then begin to help you work through the processes necessary for complete healing.
Fluorite- Blue- calms the emotions and stimulates clear communication.
Fluorite-Green-brings hormones into balance. It harmonizes and recharges all chakras.
Fluorite-Purple-increases mystic visions and aids spiritual balance. It helps the intuition to connect to the rational mind
Yellow Fluorite -Chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra Vibration - Number 9 Yellow Fluorite enhances creativity, being particularly effective for people in group situations. It clears, stimulates, and heals all powers of the mind, such as psychic ability and healing, visualisation, and intellect. Yellow Fluorite removes toxins from the body and lowers cholesterol, an ideal stone for treating the liver. also called Golden Fluorite, is a crystal of unity, intellect and creativity.It increases understanding, logic and intellectual ability, while boosting one's imagination and resourcefulness.
Garnet- cleanses and re-energizes the chakras. It revitalizes, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate. Inspires love and devotion. Garnet balances the sex drive and alleviates emotional disharmony. It activates and strengthens the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope. Stimulates past-life recall. Sharpens perceptions of oneself and others. Garnet removes inhibitions and taboos. It opens the heart and bestows self-confidence. Garnet regenerates the body and stimulates the metabolism. It treats disorders of the spine and spinal fluid, bone, cellular structure and composition. Purifies the heart, lungs, blood and regenerates DNA. Garnet boosts the immune system and energy levels. A stone of commitment, Red Garnet represents love. It revitalizes feelings and enhances sexuality, bringing warmth, devotion, understanding, trust, sincerity and honesty to a relationship. Red Garnet controls anger, especially toward the self. Chakras – Base & Heart ; Birthstone – January; Zodiac-Aries, Leo & Virgo; Planet – Mars; Element – Fire
GoldStone-Vitality ♥ Drive ♥ Ambition Goldstone is actually a man-made stone. Its sparkle is due to flecks of copper. Chakras- (gold)Sacral Chakra, (blue)Throat Chakra
Typical colours -gold or blue with golden sparkles Goldstone is said to be the stone of ambition. It builds energy, courage and a positive attitude. Increases drive and confidence. A gently uplifting stone, Goldstone promotes vitality. Goldstone helps to reduce stomach tension and benefits arthritic conditions. It is helpful to bones, painful joints and circulation.
Blue Goldstone-is man made but it is said to be the stone of ambition. It builds energy, courage and a positive attitude. Increases drive and confidence. A gently uplifting stone, Goldstone promotes vitality. Goldstone helps to reduce stomach tension and benefits arthritic conditions. It is helpful to bones, painful joints and circulation. Chakras- (gold)Sacral Chakra, (blue)Throat Chakra
Hematite-grounds and protects us. It strengthens our connection with the earth, making us feel safe and secure. It endows us with courage, strength, endurance and vitality. A "stone for the mind", Hematite stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing memory and original thought. Hematite utilizes the magnetic qualities of our yin-yang energies to balance the meridians within the body and to provide a stable equilibrium between the ethereal nervous system and the physical nervous system. It focuses energy and emotions for balance between the body, mind and spirit. Dissolves negativity and prevents you from absorbing the negativity of others. Hematite is strong, supporting timidity, boosting self-esteem and survivability, enhancing willpower and reliability, and imparting confidence. It helps to overcome compulsions and addictions, treating overeating, smoking and other forms of overindulgence. Hematite restores, strengthens and regulates the blood supply, aiding blood conditions such as anemia. It supports the kidneys and regenerates tissue. Stimulates the absorption of iron and formation of red blood cells. Treats leg cramps, anxiety and insomnia. Hematite aids spinal alignment and fractures. Chakra- Base; Zodiac-Aries, Aquarius; Planet-Mars; Element-Fire
Specular Hematite-assists mental functioning, memory and development. Specular Hematite calms the mind and instils deep inner peace. Specular Hematite boosts confidence and self worth.
Hemimorphitesupports you in regaining full health on all levels. This stone supports weight loss, pain relief, blood disorders, the heart, cellular memory and cellular structures. It helps genital herpes, warts, ulcerative conditions, hormonal imbalances, burns and restless legs. It helps in cases of hormone-related headaches. It is an excellent stone for PMS symptoms, and can help you maintain a balanced and positive outlook when moving through hormonal shiftsIT is an extremely protective stone, particularly against malicious thoughts and manipulation. This stone gently relieves angst. Hemimorphite is linked to self expression and communication. It is linked primarily to the throat chakra and as a result it stimulates an openness, and willingness to share who we really are. It promotes peace and understanding in the self, because of the openness it generates within. Hemimorphite encourages artistic expression, friendliness, playfulness and in turn promotes friendships, generosity, and kindness to others. This stone reduces anger, jealousy, and eliminates controlling behaviour. Hemimorphite tends to blend joy and sorrow into a single flow of compassionate emotional involvement and empathy, for yourself and others.
Hemimorphite helps calm the emotional body, allowing you to be present with your emotions in a compassionate and loving way. It is a powerful stone for forgiveness, release of resentment or anger, and the healing of karmic ties between people.
Blue hemimorphite reduces physical pain, reduces bone pain, supports lung healing, helps you to stop smoking, detoxifies gently.It also returns joy to your life, promotes emotional ease, a sense of well being and reduces emotional pain. Blue Hemimorphite enhances the communication of the truth of your feelings and can help in the process of healing dysfunctional relationships. Blue hemimorphite carries a frequency that clears and energises the heart, throat and third eye chakras. It enlightens the emotional body, facilitates communication and builds bridges between hearts. It helps in resolving emotional issues within relationships and can help you express yourself more truthfully in matters of emotion.
Herkimer Diamonds -are not actually Diamonds, but naturally six-sided, double terminated Quartz crystals. They are often so bright and shiny that they resemble Diamonds. The name comes from Herkimer, New York where these bright, double terminated crystals were originally found. They are called “attunement stones" and are useful in attuning you with others, your surroundings, or new energies. This makes them a natural choice to assist in Reiki attunements and other types of energy work. They help to relieve tensions, producing a peaceful calm. Working with Herkimer Diamonds is said to bring visions and an increase in psychic experiences. Great for meditation, it can help one to experience true Divine Grace and bring Divine energy down into the Third-Eye and Crown Chakras. As such, They have the capacity to aid in astral travel and lucid dreaming. It is a stone of release and relaxation. It helps to clear the mind/body of unconscious fears and repressions, allowing for a complete and total relaxation and expansion of life energy. It can also be helpful to release and remove toxins from the body
Heulandite- will promote an altered state of awareness and assist you in accessing and visualizing ancient knowledge. It will also help you access your Akashic records. This stone will show you how you can unlock the inherent messages of your dreams and activate the portals to interdimensional reality. It will unlock the connection between your heart and your head, helping you become more centered and uplifted while easing your emotional burdens.Heulandite will calm the mind and promote meditative states to open yourself up to divine guidance.It’s also a high-vibration stone that will stimulate your brain and improve mental clarity.It has been traditionally used to help make contact with spirit guides and develop psychic abilities.
Howlite- is an aid to insomnia, especially when caused by an overactive mind. Formulates ambitions and aids in achieving them. Howlite strengthens memory and stimulates desire for knowledge. It teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage, pain and stress. Calms communication, facilitates awareness and encourages emotional expression. Howlite balances calcium levels in the body. It aids teeth, bones and soft tissue. Zodiac-Gemini
Hyperstene - Considered the “stone of rest”, due to their deep, embedded energy source, hypersthene is essential for anyone recovering from illness or who has been overburdened by life stressors, feeling “tired but wired” or for anyone experiencing fatigue due to excessive worry. This stone will cloak the aura in a field of protection and invisibility. It gives you a sense of being hidden from the world in order for your deep recharging to take place. Hypersthene is a great meditation stone as it assists in relaxing and grounding, so that you may reconnect with what you feel you have lost or given up. It is a powerful and highly beneficial crystal when it comes to developing one’s psychic abilities. Not everyone is blessed with a strong gift of clairvoyance, and even those who are may often find it difficult to use this gift to its full potential. It is known as a “magical stone” for precisely this reason.When the words are brought together, the meaning becomes “over strength”.
Iolite - Alternate Names or Spellings: Cordierite (mineral name), Water Sapphire, Viking Stone. Iolite is popularly known as water sapphire, although it is not a type of sapphire at all. It is, however, one of the best stones to use in psychic, healing, and spiritual activities. It can open one to psychic talents and expand them. Iolite is also called the Viking Stone. It was said that it was used in thin sheets by the ancient Vikings as a "lens" to see during their ocean voyages, as the one of the world's first polarising filter, and is often known as the Viking stone. Iolite is also an excellent stone for meditation and astral travel. It helps one grow spiritually in a gentle fashion. It is considered a very strong "Shaman" stone, and can stimulate clear psychic visions. Iolite is also said to help build relationships. It can also enhance curiosity. In the physical realm, iolite is used to help heal sore throat, varicose veins, respiratory system, liver, and blisters. Note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information. Iolite is said to be very helpful when dealing with addictions, including alcoholism. In crystal healing it is used to assist in detoxification, maintaining sobriety. Iolite is primarily associated with the third eye chakra and to a lesser extent the crown chakra.
Jade- is a symbol of serenity and purity. It signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility. It increases love and nurturing. A protective stone, Jade keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony. Jade attracts good luck and friendship. It stabilizes the personality and promotes self-sufficiency. Soothes the mind, releasing negative thoughts. Stimulates ideas. A “dream stone”, Jade brings insightful dreams. It aids emotional release, especially of irritability. Jade encourages you to become who you really are. Jade aids the body’s filtration and elimination organs. It is excellent for treating kidney problems and adrenal glands. Jade removes toxins, rebinds skeletal and cellular systems, and heals stitches. It assists fertility and childbirth. Jade balances body fluids. Also is a good first stone for child, aids problem solving, & helps proneness to accidents & reaching goals. Chakras – Heart; Zodiac-Aries, Taurus, Gemini & Libra
Jasper- is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It sustains and supports through times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Jasper provides protection and absorbs negative energy. It balances yin and yang. Jasper clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution, including radiation. It encourages honesty with one's self. Provides courage to assertively tackle problems. Aids quick-thinking and promotes organizational abilities. Jasper stimulates the imagination and .transforms ideas into action. Prolongs sexual pleasure. It supports during prolonged illness and re-energizes the body. Zodiac – Leo, Virgo & Scorpio; Planet – Mars; Element - Fire In addition to the generic healing properties of Jasper, specific colors and forms have additional attributes:
Jasper -Bamboo Leaf- is said to be a grounding stone helping to stabilize and energize the physical body. It is said to activate the root chakra. Its Earth energies are said to offer balance, strength and vitality.
Jasper-Black-is also known as "Blackstone". Black Jasper is a highly protective stone that is excellent for grounding the energies of one who may be experiencing spaciness. It can help in connecting one's higher vibrations to the earth. Black Jasper is useful in relieving pain and helps stomach ailments and foot problems. Chakras-Base Chakra
Jasper-Brecciated- Brecciated Jasper is a form of Jasper that also contains Hematite. Red Brecciated Jasper is often called "Poppy Jasper". Brecciated Jasper is a particularly good grounding stone which can assist those who feel overwhelmed. It can enhance organizational abilities whilst helping in developing creativity. Brecciated Jasper encourages empathy and communication with animals and can help with allergies to animals and in general. It absorbs negative energy and promotes health, healing and recovery from illness.Chakras-Base Chakra,Sacral ChakraZodiac -Aries,Scorpio
Jasper-BumbleBee- Energizes you,Promotes complete happiness and joy, Encourages the celebration of life’s small moments, Promotes honesty (especially with yourself),Helps you achieve your dreams,Frees blocked energy from the body,Stimulates mental activity,Relieves symptoms of allergies,Facilitates triumph over the seemingly impossible
Chinese Painted Jasper AKA Chohua Jasper- Restoration of: Honor, integrity, intuition & communication, Healing for: Immune system, skin disorders, kidneys & depression
Jasper-Dalmation- also known as "Dalmation Stone", is a grounding stone, in terms of with the Earth and in reality. It removes disillusionment, helping one to see their strengths and weaknesses more clearly. Dalmation Jasper brings a sense of fun to one's life and helps to increase loyalty in relationships. It purifies the blood and boosts the immune system. Chakra- Base ; Zodiac-Virgo; Planet-Earth
Jasper – Desert - also called PolychromeJasper, is a stone of exuberance, vitality and vibrancy. It is a more recently discovered form of jasper from Madagascar, known for its vibrant, earthy colors. It is strongly connected to the element of fire, embodying the energy of action, creativity and passion. The desert jasper properties are also very grounding, stabilizing and centering, deepening your connection to Mother Earth.
Jasper -Ibis-is the Madagascar version of Jasper named after a waterfowl crane-like bird from Egypt. The markings on the Ibis Jasper resemble the feathers of this bird. The Ibis bird is associated with the Egyptian deity Thoth, the god of wisdom, scribes, magic, and record keeping. Symbolically, it allows one to access ancient knowledge, Akashic Records, and allows us to communicate messages from Spirit, or to enhance intuition. Ibis Jasper goes through an intense process of being broken apart, and then mends itself by using other materials from the Mineral Kingdom. Therefore, metaphysically, Ibis Jasper is helpful with PTSD, recovery after trauma, support during stressful times, the push to integrate any energetic work, upgrades, and is helpful in breaking through energetic blockages. It is helpful in healing any fractures within the body systems. This stone integrates dark times and traumatic events into our lives, to rebuild the missing pieces. It is a spectacular spiritual ally in any shadow work. Ibis Jasper shows us that when we fracture, we are given an opportunity to really get to know ourselves, and our own nature, through the discovery process where we learn that we are not what happened to us, and need not embody the pain and suffering of the events that we have endured. It is through those experiences that we learn to accept our light by passing through the shadow lands
Jasper -Kambaba-is a stone of peace, tranquility, and fertility. ... Known for providing peace and tranquility, Kambaba Jasper is said to remove blockages in the heart and base chakras to dispel worry and negativity, and allow a clear path for clarity and serenity to flow.
Jasper-Leopard Skin -helps you to connect with your spiritual animal totem. It is associated with spiritual discovery and shaman travel. It assists in self-healing. Leopard Skin Jasper is helpful in eliminating toxins from the body and decreasing body odor. Chakras – Base, Heart & Crown; Zodiac - Gemini
Orange Calcite- helps integrate the spiritual realm with the physical body, enhances creativity, and is helpful with emotional issues. Use Orange Calcite to energize and cleanse the Root and Sacral Chakras and to bring positive energy into the areas of the will and sexuality. Meditating with Orange Calcite can bring insights into the causes of apathy or lethargy, allowing one to take back control over one's life. Orange Calcite's vital energy can serve as a catalyst for the release of past traumas that have been holding you back, allowing for optimism and joy to come in. Those experiencing depression will benefit from Orange Calcite's infusion of bright vibrations into the lower chakras.
Pink Mangano Calcite- Mangano Calcite is a stone of peace and well-being. By enhancing the flow of energy from the Crown Chakra down into the Heart Chakra, Mangano Calcite attracts new opportunities to learn the concept of Universal Love. Mangano Calcite helps healers and counselors forge a strong, energetic bond with a patient, allowing the healing vibrations to travel to the right location on the client. Mangano Calcite can be very calming when held in the hand during meditation or energy work. Mangano Calcite is a stone that can be used in order to boost self-confidence and self-esteem as well as enhance compassion toward others. It is also beneficial for those enduring any type of emotional trauma, including abuse, the death of someone close or a break-up. Those who suppress their emotions will benefit from Mangano Calcite's ability to root out deep-seated causes for acknowledgment and release. Clearing the energy channels and enhancing the flow of energy between the Crown and Heart Chakras, Mangano Calcite can help to clear the emotional center of stagnant or negative energies to make room for new experiences of Divine Love. Mangano Calcite is extremely helpful for long distance healers.
Yellow Calcite- is often used to enhance one's will and self-confidence. The sweet, subtle, and vibrant energy of Yellow Calcite can sometimes be felt when placed directly on the Solar Plexus Chakra and can infuse one with a sense of new hope and optimism to face the future. Those who can benefit most from Yellow Calcite's work on the Solar Plexus are people who are pessimistic, sarcastic, or overly analytical. Yellow Calcite has often been called "the great eliminator". People with anger management issues can meditate with Yellow Calcite to help open them up to knowledge of Divine Love and compassion, which can soothe the fire within that often causes violence. Physically, Yellow Calcite can be used to assist in hormonal imbalances, painful muscles and the detoxification of the kidneys. It is a stone of healing and balance. Yellow Calcite can also help to calm anxieties and soothe the nerves.
Zebra Calcite- stone of motivation, prosperity, power, physical healing, personal will, and peace of mind, Zebra Calcite activates all seven Chakras to assist in spiritual awakening, transformation, self discovery, and self-healing. The grounding force of Zebra Calcite also aids in anxiety relief, overcoming PTSD, insight, empathy, and inner peace. Zebra Calcite is associated with the flowing sensitivity of Pisces, the balanced wisdom of Libra, and Gemini's duality of the soul.
Carnelian- A stabilizing stone, Carnelian restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success. Carnelian is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind. It helps in trusting yourself and your perceptions. It overcomes negative conditioning and encourages steadfastness. Carnelian improves analytic abilities and clarifies perception. It sharpens concentration and dispels mental lethargy. Protects against envy, rage and resentment. Calms anger, banishes emotional negativity and replaces it with a love of life. Carnelian boosts fertility and stimulates sexuality. Carnelian treats lower back problems, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia and depression. It regulates the kidneys, and accelerates healing in bones and ligaments. Improves vitamin and mineral absorption and ensures good blood supply to organs and tissues. Chakras: Base / Sacral; Zodiac – Taurus, Cancer, Leo & Virgo; Planet Mars
Catlinite (Pipestone ; Sacred Pipestone) - Catlinite, also called pipestone, is traditionally used as a Native American ceremony stone, for making pipes and other totems. Catlinite carries the energy of connecting the spiritual and the physical. It can be used to ground prayer and ritual into the physical, everyday life. It is also a very protective stone. Catlinite is also used for communication with spirits and the ancestors. In 1836 a famous American artist, George Catlin - after whom Catlinite is named - wrote down and recorded the Sioux legend about the origin of pipestone, as follows - "At an ancient time the Great Spirit, in the form of a large bird, stood upon the wall of rock and called all the tribes around him. Taking out a piece of the red stone, he formed it into a pipe and smoked it, the smoke rolling over the whole multitude. He then told his red children that this red stone was their flesh, that they were made from it, that they must all smoke to him through it, that they must use it for nothing but pipes: and as it belonged alike to all the tribes, the ground was sacred, and no weapons must be used or brought upon it." Physical Minnesota Pipestone, or Catlinite, has been sacred to the Native Americans for thousands of years and still is today. As such it must be treated with due deference and respect. Physically, it is thought to be beneficial to the lungs in particular, but as it carries the power of the Great Spirit, it helps with all healing. It shows us that the physical and the spiritual cannot be separated. Mental/Emotional Pipestone, although primarily a spiritual stone, can offer us assistance when we need to sort things out or get to the bottom of things. Spiritual Pipestone helps us to realize that the spiritual and the physical are interconnected and that prayer and ritual can be incorporated into everyday life. We can see that everything is sacred and no one thing can be set apart from everything else. This connection between our spiritual life and our physical life is profound. Pipestone is also an excellent stone for meditation and can bring us deep inner peace. Pipestone is extremely useful for healing areas of discord where perhaps in the past there may have been much harm and abuse done to both people and to animals. Pipestone helps us to reconnect to the wisdom of the Native Americans and may also help us to discover and search for our own ancestral line. Pipestone is a manifestation stone and one that not only strengthens the manifestation process but one that may bring us far more than we expect it to. Catliniteis related primarily to the root (base) chakra.
Celestite- It helps a rescued animal to trust humans again or an injured animal to recover its strength and well-being. It helps nervous children experience new activities and environments. It also helps to ease ear, eye, mouth, speech and throat problems, as well as headaches. It can also help relieve acute anxiety , OCD, and digestive disorders with stress as a factor. Celestite will help you break out of negativity, is protective for anyone interested in the new age, as it will protect you from less than spiritual vibes. It is good for meditation and for channeling Angels. It is known as the stone for actors, singers or anyone that performs on stage. Celestite will help you to hear what is being said, rather than what you think is being said. Celestite, also known as Celestine, is revered for its high frequency and Divine energies, and is known as a powerful healing crystal. Celestite has been called a “teacher for the New Age", as it will connect one with the Angelic realms, allowing for the free-flow of these higher frequencies into the Crown and Third-Eye Chakras, and also down into the Throat Chakra for expression. Bringing mental calm and clarity in the midst of any chaotic circumstance, Celestite can allow one to easily flow through a traumatic period and still come out on top. Celestite can relieve stress, anxiety and obsessive behaviors. It is a perfect piece to carry for those who are singers, actors or speakers, as the energy will alleviate any type of stage fright or nervousness. Celestite gives courage to those who suffer from agoraphobia (fear of crowds) or public speaking. It can be beneficial for shy or timid children to try new experiences. Celestite brings harmony and balance, and will assist the holder in finding and maintaining inner peace. Its ability to heighten divine intuition makes Celestite especially useful for Reiki practice. A stone for peace and harmony, Celestite has the potential to bring these qualities into daily living. Celestite is a great facilitator for deep states of meditation, helping to calm the mind and open it to communication from the higher realms. Celestite is a perfect companion to use during dream time. It will assist in recalling not only the dream, but also the specific details of the dream. Information imparted during the dream state will also be recalled with perfect clarity.
Physically, Celestite sends energy to the organs of the higher chakras, aiding the healing of disorders such as brain imbalances, cellular disorders, and ailments of eyes, ears, nose, and throat. Celestite can also act as a detoxifier and pain reliever. Chakra- Throat; Element- Air; Planet- Jupiter; Zodiac – Libra Chalcedony - Emotional balance, Vitality, Stamina, Endurance, Energy, Intensity, Hardiness, Nurturance, Generosity, Liveliness, Kindness , Charity, Friendliness
Chalcedony is a nurturing stone that promotes brotherhood and good will. It absorbs negative energy. It brings the mind, body, emotions and spirit into harmony. Chalcedony instills feelings of benevolence and generosity. It alleviates hostility and transforms melancholy into joy. Eases self-doubt. Creates openness and enthusiasm. Absorbs and dissipates negative thoughts, emotions and bad dreams. Chalcedony improves mineral assimilation and combats mineral buildup in veins. Lessens the effects of dementia and senility. It increases physical energy. Heals the eyes, gallbladder, bones, spleen, blood and circulatory system.
Charoite- is totally unique and rare. It has a very high energy vibration and stimulates and energises both the body and the mind. This stone changes physical, mental and spiritual disease into health. Charoite is a multidimensional stone that assists one in connecting with spirit guides, deities, and entities of other realms. Our third eye, crown, and etheric chakra system is truly stretched to its limits when working with this stone (especially when placed directly on the forehead). The energies released from within Charoite instantly activate the pineal gland and allows for a hasty development of transdimensional vision. Through deep meditation with Charoite, one may soon receive symbolic imagery depicting aspects within our present life. Charoite is recommended for alcohol and food detoxification. It will regulate your blood pressure, and regenerate cells. It will help insomnia, and restless leg syndrome. If you place this stone under your bed or pillow, you can receive relief from all sleep disorders, particularly if used with Amethyst. Charoite gives you much needed energy when you are exhausted and will regulate your blood pressure. Charoite treats the eyes, heart, liver and pancreas. It will reverse liver damage due to alcohol consumption, and eases cramps, aches and pains. Charoite is helpful where there is dysfunction of the nervous system it also can help with autism and bipolar disorders. Charoite helps to strengthen the body and energy field by grounding high-frequency energy into the physical systems. Charoite supports your skeletal structure. It is also a very powerful tool to use when trying to determine the source of disease so proper treatment can result. It helps to attract the right nutrition, doctors and other healthcare practitioners to heal all types of disease. Charoite relieves difficulties with blood pressure, eye and liver problems and migraines or headaches with severe visual disturbance. It will prevent insomnia and sleep disturbances including sleep walking or talking. It alleviates fears of illness, pain, the unknown and mortality.
Chrome Diopside -Diopside is an empowering stone that helps to stimulate learning and understanding, to help one become better connected to the earth, and to bring love to oneself as well as other. Said to hold all the mysteries of the Universe many find that the green Chrome Diopside as a direct connection with Gia or Mother Earth as well as encouraging learning on many levels, specifically when entering educational situations, making a career change that requires learning new skills or in learning a new language; as it is said to assist in assimilating and retaining new information. Known as a creative stone, Diopside will help increase creative visualization, as well as refining one’s desired goals, which will manifest those goals in a quicker fashion. It is said to be related not just to love and commitment but also to the deepest inner heart of hearts. To help one grasp their more feminine side, healing stubbornness and outward aggression, Diopside also brings about the true understanding of one’s dual nature, and how to best integrate the halves to make a complete and tranquil whole. Believed to be helpful in healing emotional trauma by bringing about cleansing tears (which has given it to be called the “crying stone” in some circles). It has been known to help family members to cope when living with those who may be suffering from degenerative mental or physical disabilities; or those dealing with addictions. It may also aid in the development of trust; in one’s self, and others. This often brings about assistance in living from the heart, and not just listening but to trust one’s inner instincts. Physically Diopside is known to facilitate great healing in many ways. It may work in the area of the heart and lungs by clearing energetic blockages allowing free flowing of positive energy. This in turn improves the circulatory system, helping the kidneys and respiratory system. This will then ease headaches and regulate blood pressure. It is a wonderful stone to aid recovery and recuperation from most any illness, not only physically; but emotionally as well, with many psychological ailments or weaknesses. Diopside will aid in recovery from obsessive or addictive behaviors by allowing one to be more open to new ideas that may be of a healing nature. This comes from the releasing of stubbornness and other toxic emotions, and then trusting oneself and others.
Chrysocolla-calms, cleanses and re-energizes all the chakras. It draws out guilt, heals heartache and increases the capacity to love. Improves communication and opens psychic vision. Encourages self-awareness and inner balance. Imparts confidence and sensitivity. Chrysocolla enhances personal power and inspires creativity. Overcomes phobias by drawing out negativity and supplying motivation. Reduces mental tension. Promotes truth-telling and impartiality. Alleviates guilt and brings in joy. Chrysocolla treats arthritis, bone disease, muscle spasms, blood disorders and lung problems. It detoxifies the liver, kidneys and intestines. Re-oxygenates the blood, regenerates the pancreas and regulates insulin. Strengthens muscles and alleviates muscle cramps. Chrysocolla heals infections, lowers blood pressure and soothes burns. Treats PMS and menstrual cramps. Chakras – Throat Zodiac – Taurus, Gemini, Virgo
Chrysoprase-opens, activates and energises the heart and sacral chakras, balances yin-yang energy, and brings Universal energy into the physical body. It induces deep meditative states, and imparts a sense of being a part of the divine whole. Chrysoprase promotes love of truth. It promotes hope, and encourages fidelity in business and personal relationships. It stimulates creativity and draws out ones talents. Chrysoprase heals the inner child, releasing emotions locked in since childhood. It can mend a broken heart, heal relationships and transmute negative emotions into positive ones.
Chrysoprase helps one to overcome compulsive or impulsive angry thoughts and behaviour, and turns your attention to positive events. It brings a sense of security and trust and is useful in healing codependence whilst supporting independence and encouraging commitment. It provides for non-judgmental attitudes and stimulates acceptance of oneself and others. Chrysoprase is a strong detoxifying stone. It eliminates waste from the body, as well as the mind, by stimulating the liver and encouraging the body to rid itself of poisons. It is excellent for relaxation and promoting a peaceful night's sleep, reducing claustrophobia and preventing nightmares. Chrysoprase balances the hormones and treats the reproductive organs, fertility problems, and guards against sexually transmitted diseases. It treats disorders of the lungs and thymus, and soothes the digestive system. Aids mental and physical illness and exhaustion. Treats skin diseases and disorders of the heart. Chrysoprase increases the assimilation of Vitamin C. Chakras-Sacral & Heart Chakra Zodiac-Libra
Citrine- energizesevery level of life. It cleanses the chakras and opens the intuition. Citrine attracts wealth, prosperity and success. It imparts joy, wonder, delight and enthusiasm. Raises self-esteem and self-confidence. Stimulates the brain, strengthening the intellect. Citrine promotes motivation, activates creativity and encourages self-expression. Enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind. It releases negative traits, depression, fears and phobias. Emotionally balancing. Energizing and recharging, Citrine also reverses degenerative disease. Stimulates digestion, the spleen and pancreas. Negates kidney and bladder infections. Citrine helps eye problems, increases blood circulation, detoxifies the blood, activates the thymus and balances the thyroid. Relieves constipation and removes cellulite. Chakras -Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Crown Chakra Birthstone- November Zodiac -Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra Planet- Jupiter
Copper- is known to stimulate energy flow and enhance your psychic abilities. It’s an energy conductor that will move energies and amplify your thoughts. It will also help you in channeling and in communicating with higher dimensional beings. Copper can also ground and move wide array of vibrational frequencies from the spiritual realm to the physical realm. It will amplify your thoughts and send healing energies all over the body. It will also encourage you to achieve physical and emotional alignment. This will result in clearer thinking and less aggressive behavior. You will also enjoy a boost in your self-esteem. When someone is feeling agitated, angry, or distraught, your calming energies will help them calm down as well. Copper is a warming stone. It will help you release excess charges of anger or resentment. It can be used in the treatment of skin diseases and wounds. It can also be helpful with internal diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, anemia, and rheumatoid arthritis. Copper can be used to improve blood circulation, to increase overall physical energy, and to detoxify the body. It can also be used to ease joint stiffness and the discomforts of arthritis by opening the flow of blocked energies. It can increase physical energy and mental agility. It can also support the body’s natural healing process. It’s an essential component of melanin, which gives color to the eyes, hair, and skin. Copper is responsible for keeping the hair from turning grey or thinning out.
Coral- Absorbs negative energy, Platonic love, Friendship, Community, Creativity, Passion, Romantic love, Wisdom, Optimism, Enthusiasm, Balance, Relaxation, Protection, Safe travel on water. Coral represents diplomacy and concurrence. It quiets the emotions and brings peace to within the self. Facilitates intuition, imagination and visualisation. Coral expedites and accelerates the transfer of knowledge. Coral strengthens the circulatory system and the bones of the body. It stimulates tissue regeneration and nourishes the blood cells. Treats disorders of the spinal canal, the alimentary canal, the nervous system, and the thalamus. Coral is a 35th Anniversary gemstone. Zodiac -Taurus,Pisces Planet- Mars Typical colors -Black, pink, red, white, blue In addition to the generic healing properties of Coral, specific colors have additional attributes:
Red Coral- Red Coral stimulates the energetic pursuit of pre-determined goals. It protects from depression and despondency. Treats hiccups, colic and heartburn. Aids in the release of impurities from the muscular system. Red Coral treats disorders of the kidneys, bladder and parathyroid Chakras -Base Chakra
Danburite- Clears and opens the crown Chakra, linking and harmonizing it with the heart. It's One of the highest vibration minerals currently found, “connects the heart of the mind with the mind of the heart". Highly spiritual and sought after for its metaphysical properties, Danburite is a powerful Heart Chakra stone, relieving emotional pain and increasing acceptance of one’s self and of others. It will help you to “let your light shine" The pure love energy of it brings serenity and peace. Gentle yet powerful, it also works with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras. It stimulates the Higher Crown Chakras, connecting the Heart to these Higher Chakras, and aids in communication with Angels and Guides. It is a good stone to have around during times of extreme change, and eases the transition of those leaving the physical human form. It can help heal old deep wounds, as well as clear past Karma. A piece of Danburite in your pocket can ease stress and bring calm in difficult situations. It is a good choice for anyone who is highly focused in the mental body (like academics and engineers), opening the heart and easing reconnection and balance with the emotional body.
Desert Druzy- crystals have beautiful and attractive whirling patterns that are indicative of beautiful landscapes. They are said to have the significant guarding and healing energies of Chalcedony as well as Quartz as they are the beautiful combination of these two. The healing properties of Quartz and the soft energies of Chalcedony make for a fabulous combination of healing energies.It helps remove depression. Its gentle energies will help you feel positive. is a powerful stress reliever bringing healing on a physical, mental, and spiritual level. It stimulates the imagination and awakens one to a feeling of self love and empowerment. It balances the emotional body to relieve stress, depression, sadness, and fear.
Desert Rose (Selenite)- stone of family unity, relieves nausea brought on by stress or anxiety, helps sick or old animals, past life recall. The Rejuvenator, helps with relief of stress and enhances will power. Tissue repair, and fast pain relief. Can be used on auric arcs too to clear and cut in a ritual, releasing one form the connections to people or events past. Often used in relationships to heal a rift, and allow more peaceable end. Magical Use -Meditation, clarity of the mind, physical energy, opening and clearing of the upper chakras. Healing Use -Fertility, sex drive, skin, regeneration of tissues and muscular flexibility.
Dragon Bloodstone- is a stone for perception and personal power and is renowned for its positive effects on the Life Force Energy, or Qi, which flows through both the physical and the etheric bodies. is perfect for anyone who is struggling to assert themselves and to use their personal power wisely. It helps with feelings of victimhood or martyrdom, encouraging you to look at your own strengths and weaknesses objectively and without self-criticism. It allows you to look at the behavior, actions and words of others in an equally objective way, without judgment. Dragonstone is excellent for clearing the subtle and emotional bodies of stress, negative thought patterns, self-pity and anxiety. It keeps you centered and grounded no matter what the situation and ushers in positive, joyful, optimistic vibrations to lift your mood and spirits.
Dumortierite- helps to bring calm, relaxation, and harmony,being extremely helpful in situations where you need to reduce over excited behaviour, and stubbornness. A supportive stone, it encourages confidence and standing up for oneself, whilst staying true to one's beliefs and feelings.
Emerald-Is one of the most valued stones... as from within them emerges the purest form of green ray energy. This heart chakra based energy makes them known as a stone of successful and abundant love. By helping you to let go of negativity, natural Emerald crystals will create positive actions and outcomes, and give you the strength to overcome any problems in your life.
Eudialyte-provides life force, self love, and protection to those who work with it and has a strong impression on the emotional body. It opens us to the wisdom of the heart, teaching us how we can work on ourselves to heal and balance the emotions; rather than looking outward for the solution.
Fluorite- cleanses and stabilizes the aura. It absorbs and neutralizes negative energy and stress. An excellent learning aid, Fluorite increases our powers of concentration, self-confidence and helps us in decision-making. It encourages positivity, balances the energies, and improves balance and coordination, both physically and mentally. Fluorite boosts the immune system and stimulates the regeneration and restructuring of cells and DNA, particularly in the skin and respiratory tract, and heals ulcers and wounds. Fluorite strengthens bone tissue, and alleviates rheumatism, arthritis and spinal injuries. It improves the discomfort of shingles and other nerve-related pain. may be used with other stones. It helps to open the way for the power of other stones to be effective. It can be used as a meditation stone to help energize the body and raise the power of concentration. When placed directly on an affected area, fluorite gradually removes pain. The direct application of the stone is also particularly helpful for ailments such as energy blockages, respiratory issues, suppurating wounds and skin diseases as well as arthritis. Healers use it to help with ulcers as well as the respiratory tract by stimulating cell regeneration in these areas. In addition to the generic healing properties of Fluorite, specific colors have additional attributes. Chakra – Heart, Throat & Third Eye ; Zodiac – Capricorn & Pisces
Fluorite-Rainbow- exhibits 3 distinct color rays, violet, green and blue. Being that this gemstone is three colors, it will help you to heal on three levels; spiritual, emotional, and mental. Whatever your issues are, Rainbow Fluorite will help you to become mentally aware and then begin to help you work through the processes necessary for complete healing.
Fluorite- Blue- calms the emotions and stimulates clear communication.
Fluorite-Green-brings hormones into balance. It harmonizes and recharges all chakras.
Fluorite-Purple-increases mystic visions and aids spiritual balance. It helps the intuition to connect to the rational mind
Yellow Fluorite -Chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra Vibration - Number 9 Yellow Fluorite enhances creativity, being particularly effective for people in group situations. It clears, stimulates, and heals all powers of the mind, such as psychic ability and healing, visualisation, and intellect. Yellow Fluorite removes toxins from the body and lowers cholesterol, an ideal stone for treating the liver. also called Golden Fluorite, is a crystal of unity, intellect and creativity.It increases understanding, logic and intellectual ability, while boosting one's imagination and resourcefulness.
Garnet- cleanses and re-energizes the chakras. It revitalizes, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate. Inspires love and devotion. Garnet balances the sex drive and alleviates emotional disharmony. It activates and strengthens the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope. Stimulates past-life recall. Sharpens perceptions of oneself and others. Garnet removes inhibitions and taboos. It opens the heart and bestows self-confidence. Garnet regenerates the body and stimulates the metabolism. It treats disorders of the spine and spinal fluid, bone, cellular structure and composition. Purifies the heart, lungs, blood and regenerates DNA. Garnet boosts the immune system and energy levels. A stone of commitment, Red Garnet represents love. It revitalizes feelings and enhances sexuality, bringing warmth, devotion, understanding, trust, sincerity and honesty to a relationship. Red Garnet controls anger, especially toward the self. Chakras – Base & Heart ; Birthstone – January; Zodiac-Aries, Leo & Virgo; Planet – Mars; Element – Fire
GoldStone-Vitality ♥ Drive ♥ Ambition Goldstone is actually a man-made stone. Its sparkle is due to flecks of copper. Chakras- (gold)Sacral Chakra, (blue)Throat Chakra
Typical colours -gold or blue with golden sparkles Goldstone is said to be the stone of ambition. It builds energy, courage and a positive attitude. Increases drive and confidence. A gently uplifting stone, Goldstone promotes vitality. Goldstone helps to reduce stomach tension and benefits arthritic conditions. It is helpful to bones, painful joints and circulation.
Blue Goldstone-is man made but it is said to be the stone of ambition. It builds energy, courage and a positive attitude. Increases drive and confidence. A gently uplifting stone, Goldstone promotes vitality. Goldstone helps to reduce stomach tension and benefits arthritic conditions. It is helpful to bones, painful joints and circulation. Chakras- (gold)Sacral Chakra, (blue)Throat Chakra
Hematite-grounds and protects us. It strengthens our connection with the earth, making us feel safe and secure. It endows us with courage, strength, endurance and vitality. A "stone for the mind", Hematite stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing memory and original thought. Hematite utilizes the magnetic qualities of our yin-yang energies to balance the meridians within the body and to provide a stable equilibrium between the ethereal nervous system and the physical nervous system. It focuses energy and emotions for balance between the body, mind and spirit. Dissolves negativity and prevents you from absorbing the negativity of others. Hematite is strong, supporting timidity, boosting self-esteem and survivability, enhancing willpower and reliability, and imparting confidence. It helps to overcome compulsions and addictions, treating overeating, smoking and other forms of overindulgence. Hematite restores, strengthens and regulates the blood supply, aiding blood conditions such as anemia. It supports the kidneys and regenerates tissue. Stimulates the absorption of iron and formation of red blood cells. Treats leg cramps, anxiety and insomnia. Hematite aids spinal alignment and fractures. Chakra- Base; Zodiac-Aries, Aquarius; Planet-Mars; Element-Fire
Specular Hematite-assists mental functioning, memory and development. Specular Hematite calms the mind and instils deep inner peace. Specular Hematite boosts confidence and self worth.
Hemimorphitesupports you in regaining full health on all levels. This stone supports weight loss, pain relief, blood disorders, the heart, cellular memory and cellular structures. It helps genital herpes, warts, ulcerative conditions, hormonal imbalances, burns and restless legs. It helps in cases of hormone-related headaches. It is an excellent stone for PMS symptoms, and can help you maintain a balanced and positive outlook when moving through hormonal shiftsIT is an extremely protective stone, particularly against malicious thoughts and manipulation. This stone gently relieves angst. Hemimorphite is linked to self expression and communication. It is linked primarily to the throat chakra and as a result it stimulates an openness, and willingness to share who we really are. It promotes peace and understanding in the self, because of the openness it generates within. Hemimorphite encourages artistic expression, friendliness, playfulness and in turn promotes friendships, generosity, and kindness to others. This stone reduces anger, jealousy, and eliminates controlling behaviour. Hemimorphite tends to blend joy and sorrow into a single flow of compassionate emotional involvement and empathy, for yourself and others.
Hemimorphite helps calm the emotional body, allowing you to be present with your emotions in a compassionate and loving way. It is a powerful stone for forgiveness, release of resentment or anger, and the healing of karmic ties between people.
Blue hemimorphite reduces physical pain, reduces bone pain, supports lung healing, helps you to stop smoking, detoxifies gently.It also returns joy to your life, promotes emotional ease, a sense of well being and reduces emotional pain. Blue Hemimorphite enhances the communication of the truth of your feelings and can help in the process of healing dysfunctional relationships. Blue hemimorphite carries a frequency that clears and energises the heart, throat and third eye chakras. It enlightens the emotional body, facilitates communication and builds bridges between hearts. It helps in resolving emotional issues within relationships and can help you express yourself more truthfully in matters of emotion.
Herkimer Diamonds -are not actually Diamonds, but naturally six-sided, double terminated Quartz crystals. They are often so bright and shiny that they resemble Diamonds. The name comes from Herkimer, New York where these bright, double terminated crystals were originally found. They are called “attunement stones" and are useful in attuning you with others, your surroundings, or new energies. This makes them a natural choice to assist in Reiki attunements and other types of energy work. They help to relieve tensions, producing a peaceful calm. Working with Herkimer Diamonds is said to bring visions and an increase in psychic experiences. Great for meditation, it can help one to experience true Divine Grace and bring Divine energy down into the Third-Eye and Crown Chakras. As such, They have the capacity to aid in astral travel and lucid dreaming. It is a stone of release and relaxation. It helps to clear the mind/body of unconscious fears and repressions, allowing for a complete and total relaxation and expansion of life energy. It can also be helpful to release and remove toxins from the body
Heulandite- will promote an altered state of awareness and assist you in accessing and visualizing ancient knowledge. It will also help you access your Akashic records. This stone will show you how you can unlock the inherent messages of your dreams and activate the portals to interdimensional reality. It will unlock the connection between your heart and your head, helping you become more centered and uplifted while easing your emotional burdens.Heulandite will calm the mind and promote meditative states to open yourself up to divine guidance.It’s also a high-vibration stone that will stimulate your brain and improve mental clarity.It has been traditionally used to help make contact with spirit guides and develop psychic abilities.
Howlite- is an aid to insomnia, especially when caused by an overactive mind. Formulates ambitions and aids in achieving them. Howlite strengthens memory and stimulates desire for knowledge. It teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage, pain and stress. Calms communication, facilitates awareness and encourages emotional expression. Howlite balances calcium levels in the body. It aids teeth, bones and soft tissue. Zodiac-Gemini
Hyperstene - Considered the “stone of rest”, due to their deep, embedded energy source, hypersthene is essential for anyone recovering from illness or who has been overburdened by life stressors, feeling “tired but wired” or for anyone experiencing fatigue due to excessive worry. This stone will cloak the aura in a field of protection and invisibility. It gives you a sense of being hidden from the world in order for your deep recharging to take place. Hypersthene is a great meditation stone as it assists in relaxing and grounding, so that you may reconnect with what you feel you have lost or given up. It is a powerful and highly beneficial crystal when it comes to developing one’s psychic abilities. Not everyone is blessed with a strong gift of clairvoyance, and even those who are may often find it difficult to use this gift to its full potential. It is known as a “magical stone” for precisely this reason.When the words are brought together, the meaning becomes “over strength”.
Iolite - Alternate Names or Spellings: Cordierite (mineral name), Water Sapphire, Viking Stone. Iolite is popularly known as water sapphire, although it is not a type of sapphire at all. It is, however, one of the best stones to use in psychic, healing, and spiritual activities. It can open one to psychic talents and expand them. Iolite is also called the Viking Stone. It was said that it was used in thin sheets by the ancient Vikings as a "lens" to see during their ocean voyages, as the one of the world's first polarising filter, and is often known as the Viking stone. Iolite is also an excellent stone for meditation and astral travel. It helps one grow spiritually in a gentle fashion. It is considered a very strong "Shaman" stone, and can stimulate clear psychic visions. Iolite is also said to help build relationships. It can also enhance curiosity. In the physical realm, iolite is used to help heal sore throat, varicose veins, respiratory system, liver, and blisters. Note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information. Iolite is said to be very helpful when dealing with addictions, including alcoholism. In crystal healing it is used to assist in detoxification, maintaining sobriety. Iolite is primarily associated with the third eye chakra and to a lesser extent the crown chakra.
Jade- is a symbol of serenity and purity. It signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility. It increases love and nurturing. A protective stone, Jade keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony. Jade attracts good luck and friendship. It stabilizes the personality and promotes self-sufficiency. Soothes the mind, releasing negative thoughts. Stimulates ideas. A “dream stone”, Jade brings insightful dreams. It aids emotional release, especially of irritability. Jade encourages you to become who you really are. Jade aids the body’s filtration and elimination organs. It is excellent for treating kidney problems and adrenal glands. Jade removes toxins, rebinds skeletal and cellular systems, and heals stitches. It assists fertility and childbirth. Jade balances body fluids. Also is a good first stone for child, aids problem solving, & helps proneness to accidents & reaching goals. Chakras – Heart; Zodiac-Aries, Taurus, Gemini & Libra
Jasper- is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It sustains and supports through times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Jasper provides protection and absorbs negative energy. It balances yin and yang. Jasper clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution, including radiation. It encourages honesty with one's self. Provides courage to assertively tackle problems. Aids quick-thinking and promotes organizational abilities. Jasper stimulates the imagination and .transforms ideas into action. Prolongs sexual pleasure. It supports during prolonged illness and re-energizes the body. Zodiac – Leo, Virgo & Scorpio; Planet – Mars; Element - Fire In addition to the generic healing properties of Jasper, specific colors and forms have additional attributes:
Jasper -Bamboo Leaf- is said to be a grounding stone helping to stabilize and energize the physical body. It is said to activate the root chakra. Its Earth energies are said to offer balance, strength and vitality.
Jasper-Black-is also known as "Blackstone". Black Jasper is a highly protective stone that is excellent for grounding the energies of one who may be experiencing spaciness. It can help in connecting one's higher vibrations to the earth. Black Jasper is useful in relieving pain and helps stomach ailments and foot problems. Chakras-Base Chakra
Jasper-Brecciated- Brecciated Jasper is a form of Jasper that also contains Hematite. Red Brecciated Jasper is often called "Poppy Jasper". Brecciated Jasper is a particularly good grounding stone which can assist those who feel overwhelmed. It can enhance organizational abilities whilst helping in developing creativity. Brecciated Jasper encourages empathy and communication with animals and can help with allergies to animals and in general. It absorbs negative energy and promotes health, healing and recovery from illness.Chakras-Base Chakra,Sacral ChakraZodiac -Aries,Scorpio
Jasper-BumbleBee- Energizes you,Promotes complete happiness and joy, Encourages the celebration of life’s small moments, Promotes honesty (especially with yourself),Helps you achieve your dreams,Frees blocked energy from the body,Stimulates mental activity,Relieves symptoms of allergies,Facilitates triumph over the seemingly impossible
Chinese Painted Jasper AKA Chohua Jasper- Restoration of: Honor, integrity, intuition & communication, Healing for: Immune system, skin disorders, kidneys & depression
Jasper-Dalmation- also known as "Dalmation Stone", is a grounding stone, in terms of with the Earth and in reality. It removes disillusionment, helping one to see their strengths and weaknesses more clearly. Dalmation Jasper brings a sense of fun to one's life and helps to increase loyalty in relationships. It purifies the blood and boosts the immune system. Chakra- Base ; Zodiac-Virgo; Planet-Earth
Jasper – Desert - also called PolychromeJasper, is a stone of exuberance, vitality and vibrancy. It is a more recently discovered form of jasper from Madagascar, known for its vibrant, earthy colors. It is strongly connected to the element of fire, embodying the energy of action, creativity and passion. The desert jasper properties are also very grounding, stabilizing and centering, deepening your connection to Mother Earth.
Jasper -Ibis-is the Madagascar version of Jasper named after a waterfowl crane-like bird from Egypt. The markings on the Ibis Jasper resemble the feathers of this bird. The Ibis bird is associated with the Egyptian deity Thoth, the god of wisdom, scribes, magic, and record keeping. Symbolically, it allows one to access ancient knowledge, Akashic Records, and allows us to communicate messages from Spirit, or to enhance intuition. Ibis Jasper goes through an intense process of being broken apart, and then mends itself by using other materials from the Mineral Kingdom. Therefore, metaphysically, Ibis Jasper is helpful with PTSD, recovery after trauma, support during stressful times, the push to integrate any energetic work, upgrades, and is helpful in breaking through energetic blockages. It is helpful in healing any fractures within the body systems. This stone integrates dark times and traumatic events into our lives, to rebuild the missing pieces. It is a spectacular spiritual ally in any shadow work. Ibis Jasper shows us that when we fracture, we are given an opportunity to really get to know ourselves, and our own nature, through the discovery process where we learn that we are not what happened to us, and need not embody the pain and suffering of the events that we have endured. It is through those experiences that we learn to accept our light by passing through the shadow lands
Jasper -Kambaba-is a stone of peace, tranquility, and fertility. ... Known for providing peace and tranquility, Kambaba Jasper is said to remove blockages in the heart and base chakras to dispel worry and negativity, and allow a clear path for clarity and serenity to flow.
Jasper-Leopard Skin -helps you to connect with your spiritual animal totem. It is associated with spiritual discovery and shaman travel. It assists in self-healing. Leopard Skin Jasper is helpful in eliminating toxins from the body and decreasing body odor. Chakras – Base, Heart & Crown; Zodiac - Gemini
Jasper-Mookiate- is a nurturing stone that supports and sustains during times of stress. It brings peace and a feeling of wholeness. Mookaite helps us with decision making, especially when we are having a difficult time. It encourages versatility and helps us to accept change. Mookaite provides us with emotional growth. It helps us to discover all possibilities in a situation and to choose the right one. Mookaite provides a protective shield against negative or dangerous situations, eliminating and blocking unwanted outside influences and distractions, and revealing what is concealed. Mookaite promotes energy and new ideas, helping us gain enthusiasm and bringing the excellence of ourselves, bring kindness to ourselves and others. Mookaite helps with contacting those who have passed on. Mookaite stabilizes the general health of the whole body and strengthens the immune system.
Jasper – Ocean - Ocean Jasper, also known as Orbicular Jasper, assists in accepting responsibility and instills patience. It facilitates continuity in circular breathing. Improves the digestive process and eliminates toxins that cause body odor and disease.
Jasper-Picasso- often resembles a beautiful painting. It is a stone that reminds us to celebrate and enjoy life. Picasso Jasper assists in the transformation of relationships. It attracts like minded people who become loyal and trusted friends, as well as helping to renew old friendships that had been lost. It has strong grounding and calming qualities and helps to engender strength and self-discipline. Picasso Jasper is useful for eye problems and can promote weight-loss Zodiac -Leo
Jasper-Picture- encourages ecological awareness, bringing stability and balance. It contains a message and/or “picture” from the past. Picture Jasper is a stone of proportion and harmony and stimulates creative visualization It helps to bring hidden thoughts and feelings - griefs, fears, guilt, envy, love, hope - to the surface, to be released. Brings comfort and alleviates fear. Picture Jasper stimulates the immune system and helps treat disorders of the skin and kidneys. Zodiac-Leo
Jasper-Polychrome- Polychrome Jasper meaning reflects the magic that comes with the shifting sands of time. While some people fear change and everything that comes with it, this stone embraces it! It encourages positive change and helps you live your true destiny. This multi-colored gemstone is all about exuberance and life. It’s the embodiment of passion and an excellent representation of vitality. This stone produces potent vibrational energy that you can feel the moment it’s in your presence. Believers say it buzzes with potential, capturing that feeling of excitement you experience right before a significant life change. The meaning and properties of Polychrome Jasper unlock your purpose and help you see your path clearly. Best of all, it instills you with a sense of drive and vigor like never before. The energy that exudes from the stone is like a dust storm in the middle of the Sahara! It’s intense and somewhat scary. But in the right conditions, it can also be transformative and beautiful! Polychrome Jasper. It triggers all seven of your primary chakras! The stone’s exuberance can’t help but sway those entry points and keep life force energy flowing! It all starts with the root chakra. Crystal practitioners believe that the metaphysical properties of Polychrome Jasper make it a highly effective root chakra stone. While it aligns them all, the connection to the first energy point is remarkable. Earlier, we talked about how Polychrome Jasper had an innate bond with Mother Earth. In the world of metaphysical healing, life force energy flows from the ground below and enters your auric field through the root chakra. The nexus is natural and coincides with the larger goals of this stone. The root chakra (also known as the base chakra) governs your feelings of stability and safety. It’s not about gaining protection from physical harm. This energy point ensures that you feel mentally balanced and confident in your place in the world. When it’s blocked, many people start to feel lost, complacent, and generally unhappy in life. Fear is the biggest enemy of the base chakra. Luckily, Polychrome Jasper provides the strength you need to overcome negative emotions.
Jasper-Que-Sera-embodies the rich, brown rays of the natural earth. It is the color influence of home, hearth, and nature, of comfort and connection. It lets you relax, reconnect, and regain your composure. It is a grounding stone. Jasper-Red-is gently stimulating and also an extremely protective stone. It can neutralize radiation and other forms of environmental and electromagnetic pollution. Red Jasper rectifies unjust situations and grounds energy. Brings problems to light and provides insights into difficult situations. An excellent “worry bead”, Red Jasper calms the emotions. Aids in dream recall. Cleans and stabilizes the aura. A stone of health, Red Jasper strengthens and detoxifies the circulatory system, blood and liver. Chakras -Base Chakra
Jasper-Unakite- is a stone of vision. It balances emotions with spirituality. Unakite provides grounding when needed. It facilitates re birthing, gently releasing conditions that inhibit spiritual and psychological growth. Unakite supports convalescence and recovery from major illness. It treats the reproductive system and stimulates healthy pregnancies while facilitating the health of the unborn. Unakite enhances weight gain, where required and aids the growth of skin tissue and hair. Chakras-Heart Chakra
Zodiac-Scorpio Planet– Mars & Venus Element– Fire & Water
Jasper-Yellow- extremely protective stone, Yellow Jasper also has the ability to neutralize radiation and other forms of environmental and electromagnetic pollution. It is a nurturing stone, helping to calm the nerves and emotions. Yellow Jasper aids disorders of the stomach and digestive system, helps to relieve bloating and is effective in the promotion of tissue regeneration. Chakras-Solar Plexus Chakra
Jasper-Zebra-encourages us to stop considering failure as an option in life, and to take action towards reaching our dreams and goals. It helps us to escape the perils of over-thinking and promotes the enjoyment of experiencing life as it comes. It also helps to stimulate the transition from the material plane to the astral plane during meditation and centering of the soul. Physically Zebra Jasper is also said to be helpful with stamina, endurance, bone disorders, osteoporosis, teeth, gums, muscle spasms, and heart palpitations
Jet- Stone of Ancient Protection Mystically, Jet is considered a “stone of sympathy”, as it provides great support and assistance to alleviate the pain and suffering associated by separation by death of a loved one. It also helps to ease headache pain directly behind the eyes, and used to treat migraines. Said to psychologically promote taking control of one’s life; balancing mood swings and alleviating all types of depression bringing about balance and stability. Jet should be frequently cleansed of the acquired negative energy and recharged by placing it in sea salt one night and among rock crystals the next. Another cleansing manner is to bury the Jet in the dirt overnight; a full or new moon assisting with the cleansing. Neither water nor sun should be used in it’s cleansing or charging, but water may be used to craft an elixir. Jet is not a gemstone in a traditional sense, but of organic origin as it once carried life, and is the product of fossilized wood. Much like coal, Jet was formed from the remains of wood that had been immersed in water for millions of years, after which it had been compacted and then fossilized. When burned or touched with a hot implement, Jet often exudes the characteristic smell of coal. Jet has been said to have been used since 1400 BC. Carved and crafted pieces of Jet have been found in prehistoric burial mounds. Legend tells us that the Greeks believed that wearing Jet would ensure favor of the Gods. Medieval healers believed that burning Jet around a patient was a cure not only for fevers, but for all manner of illnesses. It was said that Jet would invoke favor of God. So in the 16th century, Jet was often the component most used to create rosary bead for monks. Pueblo Indians were found to have buried Jet with their dead, believing it would protect their souls in the afterlife. Due to it’s somber coloring and modest appearance, Jet was often chosen for jewelry during mourning periods during the Victorian times. Jet has historically been used as a protection stone, as it has been used to dispel fearful thoughts and is told to protect the wearer from evil and violence. It’s powerful protection energies are said to ward off evil, negativity, as well as psychic attacks. Jet is considered one of the most powerful absorbers of “negative energy” not just around one but in one as well (such as depression). It is told that one who is attracted to this stone to be an “old soul” who may have an extensive experience with life through reincarnations. As legend tells us that when Jet is worn or carried on the body continuously, it is thought to absorb the bearers “soul”, so these stones were carefully guarded and passed down through long lines of families. Jet helps one to be alert to all things and quickly compile constructive solutions to any problems that may arise. Jet is said to have the power to control all demons, and thus prevent one from demonic possession. It draws out negative energy from the aura, and can initiate psychic experiences. It uncovers past negative energies that one may still carry in the subconscious mind, and will assist one in understanding, work with, and dispel those energies. Energy:Receptive Element:Earth & Akasha Planet:Saturn Deities:Cybele Power:Divination, Projection & Protection Candle Color:Black Zodiac Stone of: Capricorn...Jet is a protective stone that it said to protect one against evil spirits, magic spells, and witchcraft. It should also protect it’s owner from enemies, known and unknown. Amber and Jet are considered magically matched, and both gemstones have been found in many a prehistoric grave site. To ensure a restful night’s sleep void of nightmares, wear Jet, place it under the pillow, or hang it on the bed post for protection in the night. To strengthen psychic awareness, prepare an elixir with shavings of Jet in a clear glass bottle, fill with water, and keep in the sun until the water warms. When preparing, contact the psychic mind or work with divination, filter out the Jet and drink the water just before work begins. Associations: Saturn .To dream of Jet signals an upcoming period of time when events may be not as light hearted as usual. Jet is often associated with the 1st, Base/Root Chakra for it’s grounding strength. But when used on the upper Chakras, Jet will assist in raising the Kundalini energy in a stable manner from the Base to the Crown, thus assisting with transcendence.Jet is most effective and most powerful when placed on the 6th, Third Eye/Brow Chakra to open one to the psychic mind. In direct chakra therapy, one should lie on the back in a relaxed manner, place the stone in the middle of your forehead or over the Third Eye,and simply concentrate to strengthen psychic abilities and awareness
Kyanite- is an excellent stone for meditation and attunement. It will not retain negative vibrations or energy, therefore never requiring clearing. Kyanite aligns all chakras and subtle bodies instantly. It provides balance of yin-yang energy and dispels blockages, moving energy gently through the physical body. Kyanite has a calming effect on the whole being, bringing tranquility. It encourages psychic abilities and communication on all levels. It drives away anger, frustration, confusion and stress and helps to provide a capacity for linear and logical thought. Kyanite provides a stimulating energy, encouraging perseverance in and support of activities and situations which would normally reduce one’s strength. It can help when connecting to your spirit guides. Kyanite induces dream recall and can promote healing dreams. Kyanite treats the urogenital system, adrenal glands and parathyroid glands. It aids in disorders of the throat, brain and muscular system. It helps to heal infections and lower blood pressure. Kyanite is a natural pain reliever. In addition to the generic healing properties of Kyanite, some specific colours also have additional attributes:
Blue Kyanite Chakra-Throat Chakra Blue Kyanite opens the throat chakra, encouraging communication and self-expression. It cuts through fears and blockages, helping to speak one’s truth. It is very useful for public speakers and performers as it strengthens the voice and heals the throat and the larynx. Black Kyanite Chakra-Base Chakra Black Kyanite grounds the body when aligning the chakras.
Green Kyanite Chakra-Heart Chakra works with all the Chakras, focusing most on the Heart Chakra. Green Kyanite is especially helpful to those searching for and/or learning to discern the truth of any matter or situation, including the media and politics. Carrying Green Kyanite with you can help when in the company of others of whom you are unsure, by helping you to look within the heart of that person to see their true motives behind any statement or action.
Green Kyanite is often used to make contact with the nature spirits. Some plant lovers place Green Kyanite into the soil of a potted plant to improve growth and stamina. Meditating with Green Kyanite can help transfer information from the Third-Eye Chakra into the Heart where it can be assimilated into one's conscious wisdom for application in the physical realm. These lovely Green Kyanite Crystals emit a palpable vibration of Divine Love when one is attuned to them.
Orange Kyanite Balancing the Sacral Chakra, Orange Kyanite increases our senses, self-esteem and communication skills, enabling us to use our intuition in our decision-making. It increases creative thinking, sexuality, and clairsentience. Orange Kyanite instills a sense of child-like joy in all of us, enabling us to put our imaginations to work and then get out there and share our creations with others, without fear of judgment. It guides us in facing challenges head-on, especially those with addictions. Orange Kyanite eases depression and helps to bring back a sense of optimism and positive-thinking. Physically, Orange Kyanite assists with overcoming eating disorders; helps with libido and fertility problems; eases disorders of the bladder, digestive system and kidneys.
Labrodorite- A stone of transformation, Labradorite is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance. It balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies. Excellent for strengthening intuition-promoting psychic abilities. Powerful in revealing the truth behind illusions, Labradorite banishes fears and insecurities, and strengthens faith in the self and trust in the universe. It stimulates the imagination and calms an overactive mind, developing enthusiasm and new ideas. Labradorite treats disorders of the eyes and brain, stimulates mental acuity, and relieves anxiety and stress. It regulates metabolism, balances hormones and relieves menstrual tension. Labradorite treats colds, gout, and rheumatism, lowers blood pressure, and aids in digestion.Chakra- Base ; Zodiac- Leo, Scorpio & Sagittarius; Planet – Uranus
Golden Labrodorite-promotes inner strength, courage, vitality and a sense of purpose. It enhances our mental clarity and promotes clear thinking. It is also useful in treating depression and helps to make us feel more positive about things. It is an inspirational crystal and one that increases our level of creativity.
Lapis Lazuli- A stone of protection that may be worn to guard against psychic attacks, Lapis Lazuli quickly releases stress, bringing deep peace. It brings harmony and deep inner self-knowledge. Encourages self-awareness, allows self-expression and reveals inner truth, providing qualities of honesty, compassion and morality to the personality. Stimulates objectivity, clarity and encourages creativity. Lapis Lazuli assists to confront and speak one’s truth and inspires confidence. It bonds relationships, aiding in expression of feelings and emotions. Lapis Lazuli boosts the immune system, purifies blood, lowers blood pressure,migraines, cooling and soothing areas of inflammation. It alleviates insomnia and vertigo, and overcomes depression. Lapis Lazuli benefits the respiratory and nervous systems and the throat, vocal chords, and thyroid, cleanses organs, bone marrow and thymus. Chakras-Throat , Third Eye ; Birthstone-December; Zodiac-Taurus,Sagittarius
Larimar- Properties: A gentle, soft, sky-blue Caribbean healer. Larimar brings tranquility of sea and air to heart and mind. Soothes and uplifts hurt, fear, depression, pain of life and changes with love. Beneficial for self-expression, patience, acceptance, simplicity, creativity and artwork. Especially helps with creativity When this stone has red spots it helps gentle people to be assertive. Folk Remedies:A Cooling stone, it draws out inflammation, fevers, sunburn and heat. Very good for the Throat Chakra. (shoulder, thyroid, nose). Pleasantly uplifts the heart and eases stress. Feng Shui: This stone can be used in the Northeast for self-cultivation, knowledge and wisdom. Also use in the Center area for health, balance and centeredness. History: Larimar is an extremely rare gemstone that has been found in only one location: in a mountainous, relatively inaccessible region of the Dominican Republic overlooking the Caribbean Sea. This gemstone first surfaced in 1974, although the inhabitants of the region and their ancestors have long been aware of the stone. Legend has it that they used to simply collect these stones on the beach, but one day they couldn't find anymore. They went to explore upstream, and came upon a rock formation that seemed to be the source of this blue precious stone. The name Larimar was given to the stone by a Dominican, Miguel Mendez, who combined his daughter's name LARIssa, with MAR, the Spanish word for sea. The stone is also called the Atlantis Stone, since a wise prophet once claimed that the Dominican Republic was part of the lost continent of Atlantis, an association that has been affirmed by various spiritual and metaphysical authorities.
Lava Rock- The elemental powers of fire and earth, lava rocks are rich in minerals from deep in the earth's core. Born of fire, these molten creations raise to the surface and become porous creations of earth. Fire is one of the four classical elements in ancient Greek philosophy and science. It was commonly associated with the qualities of energy, assertiveness, and passion, while earth was commonly associated with qualities of practicality, restraint and materialism. Lava rocks embrace both elements. These red and black lava rocks are a wonderful tool for the Root Chakra. The can be used for grounding, protection and making a connection to the earth. They allow us to "root" scattered energy, find focus and bring balance to our center by embracing practicality. Lava is a rock formed from magma erupted from a volcano. It is an igneous rock of volcanic origin. It's "primal energies" are evident from spending so much time deep in the Earth's core in a molten state before it is formed upon Earth's entry. This stone is beneficial when your 1st Root as well as the fire of the 2nd Spleen Chakra are energetically weak. They encourage stimulation. Folk Remedies: This stone has the nurturing power of Mother Earth. It has been used for centuries as a colorant for clothes and body paint. Considered a fiery fertility stone, it was often given to woman who had issues of infertility or poor libido. Also, this stone was given to men on their way to war or when there was a local dispute between clans.
Lemurian: one of the "Master Crystals", Lemurian Quartz Crystals teach oneness, reminding us that while we are all individuals, we are also connected to each other, and that we are all equal in Spirit. Lemurian Quartz Crystals help us maintain our connection to Spirit, aiding spiritual evolution, and have been used successfully in dream work. Lemurian Quartz crystals are a wonderful tool to use when clearing and activating the Chakras. An amazing healing crystal, Lemurian Quartz will assist in removing all types of energy blockages. Use a Lemurian Quartz Crystal for healing and meditation work.
Lemurian Golden Healer: can be specifically used in spiritual healing when the entire organism is out of balance with itself. It can also bring a sense of oneness to a person suffering from feelings of disjointedness or detachment. When life seems to be swirling around someone, and they seem to be lost in the whirlwind.
Lemurian Seed Crystals- These are master crystals within the crystal kingdom. It is believed that in the last days of Lemuria, special seed crystals were placed where crystalline growth was expected to form within the Earth, enabling them to transmit frequencies to other crystals that were created within the Earth. These crystals resonate with energies of love, unity and equality. They align themselves and are attracted to those who are endeavoring to anchor energies to help the planet at this time. These crystals are programmed with the Lemurian consciousness vibration. Working with these stones instills feelings of the emotional and spiritual awareness of the Lemurians. Connecting with these crystals can open up the heart and create a deep emotional healing and allow you to connect more to your true self. Lemurian Seed crystals generate a very feminine or yin energy. They act to open the energy of the soul and provide a bridge to higher frequencies, creating a higher level of consciousness. They instil feelings of harmony and ease. The energies they emit are of pure love, helping you feel at one with yourself and others. Holding a Lemurian seed crystal in your right hand while you walk around and encircle an individual, property or and object creates a circle of light and protection. They sooth and nurture and can benefit everyone and are helpful support for healing work. They help you attune to those higher energies and higher planes of existence. Chakras – Crown and Solar Star
Lemurian Red/Pink- These crystals are encoded with the wisdom and Divine Feminine energies of the Lemurian civilization – a matriarchal culture that was spiritually advanced. The mother of all civilizations to follow. They had connections to the cosmos that were much more sophisticated than those we enjoy today. The red color is caused by the mineral Hematite. Normally Hematite Included Lemurian Seed Crystals are pink – however in rare cases they come in the deeper red color as seen above. These special crystals have very strong grounding and blood cleansing properties, among many other gifts.
Lemurian Smokey- grounding, detoxifying, neutralizes negative vibrations ding, detoxifying, neutralizes negative vibrations, protects against radiation and smog,
Who are the Lemurians? The Lemurian people lived on this earth in ancient times, and worked extensively with crystals. It seems that some sort of immense misfortune overcame the Lemurian people before they disappeared from the earth. The impressions that many folk get of the people of Lemuria, is of gentle innocent people who deeply loved the earth. It is believed that those who lived during the time of ancient Lemuria were highly spiritual beings. These crystals are important as it is believed that they left messages within the stones for us. These stones seem to have been programmed before they were placed into the ground. After using these stones many people experience emotional healing, from the deeply loving vibration of these crystals. They may strengthen your concentration and balance your emotions. They have the capacity to allow you to make contact with the Divine if you follow the ladders on the sides of the stones ever upwards over successive meditations.
Lepidolite- A “stone of transition”, Lepidolite assists in the release and reorganization of old behavioral and psychological patterns, gently inducing change. It brings deep emotional healing, soothing and reducing stress and depression. Lepidolite dissipates negativity and insists on being used for the highest good. It activates the throat, heart, third eye chakras and the intellect. It opens the crown chakra, clearing blockages and bringing cosmic awareness. Lepidolite facilitates astral travel and accesses the Akashic Record. It helps to take you forward into the future, tuning you in to thoughts and feelings from other lives that are creating a blockage in your life now. Lepidolite aids in overcoming any kind of emotional or mental dependency, supporting in the release of addictions and complaints of all kinds, including anorexia. It encourages independence and self love and trust. Lepidolite combines its power of objectivity with direction and unimpeded communication, focusing on what is important and making it an excellent stone for business pursuits. Lepidolite clears electromagnetic pollution. Strengthens the immune system, soothes the nervous system and can be used to restructure DNA. Lepidolite relieves exhaustion and aids in the relief of tension and related disorders. It can relieve allergies and greatly help with epilepsy and Alzheimers. It numbs sciatica and neuralgia, and overcomes joint problems. Lepidolite stabilizes mood swings and is excellent for the menopause. It treats illnesses caused by “sick-building syndrome” or computer stress. Excellent for bipolar, autism, ADD & ADHD disorders. Refreshing and almost sentimental it encourages universal light, hope and acceptance. Eases one through changes helping to re-structure and re-order old patterns of behavior.
Can teach self-love and trust with a child-like acceptance and innocence
Contains traces of lithium and acts as a natural mood stabilizer and muscle relaxer. Chakras- Third Eye & Crown; Zodiac-Libra
Libyan Desert Glass- also known as Libyan Gold Tektite or Great Sand Sea Glass, is a unique and nearly pure silica tektite believed to have been created from a meteorite impact 26 million years ago (although this is highly debated due to no evidence of a physical impact). This occurred over the modern day Sahara Desert in what is now western Egypt and eastern Libya. Pieces are found scattered across many square miles and range in color from a transparent yellow to a full-bodied gold. It was officially discovered in 1932 by P. Clayton, but has a long history that traces all the way back to Ancient Egypt. is a transformational stone that offers up powerful enhancing energies that directly resonate with one’s solar plexus, sacral, and third eye chakra. As one begins their own personal journey with this strange desert glass, exceptional qualities of oneself will rise from within and begin to shine. Your personal will, will soon undertake a “rebirthing” effect and be revitalized with true interstellar powers. One will notice the increased amount of control they have over themselves and their decision making abilities. Libyan Desert Glass helps one through their own ascension process and attunes their energies to that of the ether. These are the most powerful realms we humans can visit and they are filled with endless knowledge of the history of life and human existence. Once one begins to channel the true capabilities of this E.T. stone, only then can you understand the many levels this stone is able to offer you. Above all else, it will force the necessary growth on your mind, body, and spirit.
Malachite- absorbs negative energies and pollutants, picking them up from the atmosphere and from the body. Guards against radiation and clears electromagnetic pollution. Malachite clears and activates the chakras and attunes to spiritual guidance. It opens the heart to unconditional love. Encourages risk-taking and change, breaks unwanted ties and outworn patterns, and teaches how to take responsibility for one’s actions, thoughts and feelings. Malachite releases inhibitions and develops empathy with others. It alleviates mental disturbances and combats dyslexia. Enables you to absorb and process information. Releases negative experiences and old traumas. Stimulates dreams. Malachite balances mood swings and heals cramps. It facilitates labor, alleviates menstrual disorders such as PMT and period pains, as well as menopause. Boosts the immune and nervous systems. Malachite lowers blood pressure, treats asthma, arthritis, epilepsy, fractures, swollen joints, growths, travel sickness, vertigo, tumors, the optic nerve, pancreas, spleen and the parathyroid. It pinpoints tumors, realigning and repairing the DNA and cellular structure that causes cancers. It can be used on all forms of cancer and enhances and stimulates the immune system. Malachite stimulates the liver to release toxins. Chakras – Heart & Throat; Zodiac – Libra, Scorpio & Capricorn; Planet – Venus; Element – Earth
Moldavite- Moldavite was formed about 20 million years ago by meteor showers crashing to Earth. The impact of the meteorites caused the existing rock material in the Earth to melt and fuse with the meteor, creating a new gemstone made of both extraterrestrial and terrestrial material. The origins of Moldavite are credited with this stone’s unique energies. Moldavite has a medium to deep green hue with natural etchings and is translucent when held up to a light source. Working with all of the chakras, Moldavite is most closely associated with the Heart, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras. Moldavite enhances inner journeys, channeling, cosmic consciousness, and awareness of inter-dimensional or extraterrestrial energies. Moldavite reminds us how our Earth is but one place in a much larger system of the cosmos. Moldavite's effects can range from powerful to subtle, depending on the person, and can help one to accelerate their spiritual growth, opening the chakras to higher frequencies of energy. Many crystal healers use Moldavite to enhance energetic connections between the Etheric fields and the chakras. When using Moldavite for Meditation, you may want to keep a good grounding stone nearby, such as Black Tourmaline, Red Jasper, or Obsidian, due to Moldavite's intense vibrational energies.
Moonstone- Weight Loss, Love, Mystical, Protection, Emotional Health, Intuition, Dreams, Feminine Health, Calming, Opens Heart A stone for “new beginnings”, it is a stone of inner growth and strength. It soothes emotional instability and stress, and stabilizes the emotions, providing calmness. It enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in love and business matters. It aids the digestive system, assimilates nutrients, eliminates toxins and fluid retention, and alleviates degenerative conditions of skin, hair, eyes, and fleshy organs such as the liver and pancreas. It stimulates the pineal gland and balances hormonal cycles, being excellent for PMS, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and breast-feeding. Moonstone is also beneficial to men in opening the emotional self. It also plays a role as a sleep stone. It is said to assist with lucid dreaming when tucked beneath one’s pillow. Some believe if you meditate with a moonstone right before going to bed, it will grant you a restful night of sleep. It is said to have many intuitive and emotional properties. It helps tap into the more gentle qualities of love and peace, especially if the person has had to close up their emotions for survival (think police, active duty military, rescue workers, therapists, or those grieving). It helps bring out an empathic response, bringing feeling back to those who’ve been numb. Yet moonstone is protective as well, and will open a person up as far as they are able, but not so much that they are overwhelmed. It naturally helps compassion and tenderness unfold in a healthy way. This ability to increase empathy makes moonstone useful for people in leadership positions, management, and coaches also, to help them stay in touch with the people they need to direct and make decisions for. For people who already feel, it can bring up old, old emotions that still need to be worked through. It will assist the calming of fears and the smoothing out of hormonal mood swings. It is a stone of that brings out the nurturing in feeling. Chakras – Third Eye, Solar Plexus ; Birthstone- June ; Zodiac – Cancer, Libra, Scorpio; Planet – Moon ; Element – water
Black Moonstone- has all of the properties of white moonstone, with an extra focus on New Moon energy, or the beginning of things. With every new baby, every new endeavor, every new project, there is a beginning. An idea. A space from which the new energy comes from. That is what is captured in the it. This is a great stone to bring out at the start of any new project, or even a new love, or the beginning of pregnancy for example. Also, it is very protective. It can help deflect negative energy and encourage inspiration. It helps take bad moods and bring them back into a more positive emotional state. Black moonstone is very calming and grounding.
Gray Moonstone-is a stone of perceiving beyond the veil - useful to the clairvoyant and shaman, and in moving one into unseen realms. It is called the "New Moon Stone" and carries the mysteries and powers of the new moon, where all things exist as potential.
Green Moonstone- has all of the properties of white moonstone, with an extra focus on balancing the emotions and fully opening up to the feminine within. it has been called the stone of the Goddess, or Gaia, in other words, the stone of the feminine earth energy. It is a very calming stone, easing away stress and overwhelmed feelings and anxiety. Helps a person to just “go with the flow.” This stone is especially healing for the emotions, and its connection to the earth and moon together makes it a great stone for gardeners and farmers.
Peach or Yellow Moonstone-supports the heart as it stimulates the mind, soothing worry or anxiety, and bringing out the best in people. Its loving energy promotes the Divine in all situations, and is an emotional support for intuitive or sensitive children.
Rainbow Moonstone-acts as a prism, diffusing energy throughout the aura. It provides psychic protection, clearing the mind and senses, and aids in lucid dreaming and calm sleep. It deflects negativity and eases emotional trauma. Aligned with the Goddess, Rainbow Moonstones connect with the energies and spirits of Nature, from plant devas to galactic consciousness.
White Moonstone-the most common moonstone. Everything written above applies to white moonstone.
Morganiteis a powerful, high vibrational, universal stone of unconditional love. It helps to attract and maintain love. It activates and cleanses the Heart Chakra, connecting to Divine Love. Holding a piece of Morganite brings a sense of deep peace and joy, both within ourselves and with the world.
Mother of Pearl:A protection stone, It brings the gentle healing power of the sea. It is a stress relieving stone; relaxing, soothing and calming to the emotions. It stimulates our intuition, imagination, sensitivity and adaptability. It helps our emotions become more harmonious and balanced. Calming and soothing to temper or feelings of fear. It enables you to more easily express feelings of love. Mother of Pearl helps with clarity in decision making and is helpful for endurance, organization and for home life. Planet- Moon, Neptune
Obsidian- is truth-enhancing. A strongly protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity. It blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative energies from the environment. It draws out mental stress and tension. It stimulates growth on all levels, urging exploration of the unknown and opening new horizons. Brings clarity to the mind and clears confusion. Helps you to know who you truly are. It dissolves emotional blockages and ancient traumas. Promotes qualities of compassion and strength. It aids the digestion and detoxifies. It reduces arthritis pain, joint problems and cramps. Warms the extremities. Chakras – Base; Zodiac-Scorpio, Sagittarius
Obsidian-Black-is a very powerful and creative stone. It increases self-control. It forces facing up to one’s true self. Releases imbalances and negative energies. It is protective and provides support during change. It repels negativity and disperses unloving thoughts.
Obsidian-Mahogany -will create a feeling of sexiness and more confidence and feeling of ease with one's own sexuality. It will also encourage positive decision making, and has been known to assist in the healing of gums and other tissues in the body.
Obsidian-Rainbow- recovery from emotional wounds, the deep journey through darkness into light. Earth Element, Root chakra
Obsidian-Snowflake- is a very powerful and creative stone. It increases self-control. It forces facing up to one’s true self. Releases imbalances and negative energies. Black Obsidian is protective and provides support during change. It repels negativity and disperses unloving thoughts
Opal -has always been associated with love and passion, as well as desire and eroticism. It is a seductive stone that intensifies emotional states and releases inhibitions. It can also act as an emotional stabilizer. Wearing an opal is said to bring about loyalty and faithfulness.
Opal – Blue- It is regarded as a strong healing gemstone that helps to cure tensed mind, low confidence and emotional scars
Opal – Ethiopian -is believed to be an emotional intensifier, enhancing the true nature of those who wear it. Some say it strengthens the will to live and shields the wearer against negativity, burning off karma.
Opal - Green - purify and cleanse the heart. They prepare your heart for new experiences, so these are especially powerful for anyone who has been hurt in love and needs faith to believe. These stones improve the memory, ease pain and trauma from the past, help you ease into deep states of meditation, and also relieve stress.
Opal – Owhyee -thought to be connected to your spiritual guides and have strong celestial energies. They are used as dream stones that help encourage metaphysical abilities, intuition and communication with the spiritual world. They are connected with water energies and help utilize the calm, stillness of water
Opalite- is subtle yet highly energetic. It is ideal for meditation. Opalite improves communication on all levels, especially the spiritual. It removes energy blockages of the chakras and meridians. Emotionally, It helps by assisting during transitions of all kinds. It engenders persistence and gives us strength in verbalising our hidden feelings. It can also help us to be successful in business. It is for all-round healing. It aids sexual prowess, enhancing sexual experience. It stabilises mood swings and helps in overcoming fatigue. It purifies the blood and kidneys. It is a man-made synthetic glass, mistakenly known by a number of different names, including - Tiffany Stone, Opalised Fluorite and Purple Opal. ♥ Psychic abilities ♥ Spirituality ♥ Transition
Onyx-Black - gives strength. It promotes vigor, steadfastness and stamina. Imparts self-confidence, helping you to be at ease in your surroundings. It banishes grief, enhances self-control and stimulates the power of wise decision-making. It encourages happiness and good fortune. It treats disorders of the bones, bone marrow and blood. It is beneficial for teeth and the feet. Zodiac-Gemini,Leo ;Base Chakra
Pearl (Fresh Water)- These promote sincerity, truth and loyalty. Also said to enhance personal integrity, soothes, calms, yet focuses attention.
Peridot- is a powerful cleanser. It releases and neutralizes toxins on all levels. Alleviates jealousy, resentment, spite, bitterness, irritation, hatred and greed. Reduces stress, anger and guilt. It opens our hearts to joy and new relationships. It enhances confidence and assertion, motivating growth and change. Sharpens and opens the mind to new levels of awareness. Banishes lethargy, apathy and exhaustion. It enables you to take responsibility for your own life. It strengthens the immune system, metabolism and benefits the skin. It aids disorders of the heart, thymus, lungs, gallbladder, spleen and intestinal tract. Treats ulcer and strengthens eyes. Balances bipolar disorders and overcomes hypochondria. Chakras – Solar plexus & heart; Birthstone – August; Zodiac – Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio & Sagittarius; Planet - Mercury
Petrified Wood- It is a stone of transformation. It assists one to advance to ones highest chosen level. Helps to make one feel safe and secure, calming down survival based fears. Petrified Wood assists in setting a pace and staying with that pace all day long. It is useful for bringing patience to those in a process of slow inner transformation, and for bringing that change to fruition, it strengthens one*s backbone, physically and in terms of self-will. Petrified wood is a stone that is good for grounding and stabilizing one's emotions. It is particularly useful in calming survival-based fears. It helps one be practical. It is a stone of business success. Petrified wood is a good stone for general protection. Physically, it is used in crystal healing for the bones, backaches, skin and hair. Petrified wood is also used for past life regressions because of its inherent link with the past. Petrified Wood (from the Greek root petro meaning "rock" or "stone"; literally "wood turned into stone") is the name given to a special type of fossilized remains of terrestrial vegetation. It is the result of a tree or tree-like plants having completely transitioned to stone by the process of permineralization
Pietersite - also known as the Tempest Stone, is a high vibration stone that is used by many healers in their energy work. It works to activate and balance the Third-Eye and Solar-Plexus Chakras, and is known as the stone that holds "the keys to heaven". This chatoyant stone is very popular with healers for its ability to stimulate the Pineal gland, thus enhancing one's intuition and insight. When working with Pietersite for these purposes, one will find that its ability to increase one's will can help to facilitate progress with specific spiritual goals.
Be aware that power and strength are amplified with it, and can come with a release of any emotions that have been previously repressed. These characteristics beg one to be somewhat prepared when working with the energies of it. This quality can be quite helpful to those working with deeply buried, past life issues that are creating conflicts in the present. It can protect one from bad weather conditions, especially while driving. At home, it will calm nervous pets (and their owners) who are afraid of thunderstorms. Creative types will find more self-confidence in themselves and their abilities when wearing or carrying it for any length of time. It can help one to find creative solutions to problems.
Meditating with it can facilitate a deep meditative state, even to the point of trances and out of body experiences, depending on the individual’s desires and experience. The energies of this of stone can clear blockages and bring light into the subtle bodies, allowing for greater progress in one's spiritual life.
Physically, it can assist with such issues as exhaustion, confusion, headaches and all types of breathing difficulties.
Prehnite (with Epidote) are increased by the presence of Epidote, and other properties of Epidote are present in these crystals as well. Prehnite fosters a strong sense of trust in Universal Principles. As such, Prehnite stops hoarding of both possessions and love by fostering a belief in the abundance and power of the Universe to manifest whatever is needed. Prehnite clears toxins from the body and balances the meridians, and helps you say no to unreasonable requests. Lucid dreaming is induced by Prehnite, while dreams are made easier to remember and nightmares are reduced. Prehnite is said to "heal the Healer," (again, Epidote enhances this), and this stone can be used to revitalize your personal healing environment. Put Prehnite with Epidote in your garden to create a healing sanctuary for yourself. Use Prehnite with Epidote when working with energy grids to enhance protective fields, calm, and bring inner peace. Epidote is a stone that increases whatever it touches. Prehnite boosts prophetic abilities, enhances visualization, spiritual "knowing," and aids in connecting with higher realms including your higher self as well as spiritual and extraterrestrial beings. The addition of Epidote to the Prehnite further increases perception and interaction with spiritual beings. This makes Prehnite with Epidote an excellent stone to use when working with tarot or crystal balls. On a more physical level, Epidote's ability to increase energy is useful in strengthening the physical body. Epidote stimulates the immune system, aids in healing, and is a great stone to use for physical recovery. Epidote increases personal power, clears the emotional body aura, and even increases memory making it helpful when looking for a lost object.
Prophecy Stone-A powerful stone for grounding light energy in the physical body. As its name implies, Prophecy Stones help those who seek guidance from higher realms regarding the future. They are excellent at helping one also receive guidance about mundane, boring matters and practical choices that must be made.
Pyrite-is a powerful protection stone which shields and protects against all forms of negative vibrations and/or energy, working on the physical, etheric, and emotional levels. It stimulates the intellect and enhances memory, helping to recall relevant information when needed. Pyrite assists one in seeing behind facades, promoting an understanding of that which lies beneath words and actions. The ancient Incas used Pyrite for meditation and divination. Pyrite inspires the universal energies to activate the nourishing energies of the body. It encourages the ideal of health, intellect, and emotional well-being. It allows one to recognize the purity of the universe. It can be used in the treatment of bones and in the healing of cell formation. It treats lung disorders and bronchitis and has been used to reduce swelling and fevers. Pyrite aids in the treatment of infective disease, whilst also providing protection from the disease for the caregivers. Zodiac-Leo Quartz- Chakra – Crown; Zodiac – All birthsigns; Planet – Sun; Element - Fire
Quartz- Crystal or Clear- is known as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralizing background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. It balances and revitalizes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes. Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities. It aids concentration and unlocks memory. Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Clear Quartz (Crystal Quartz, Rock Crystal) harmonizes all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies.
Quartz- Golden Healer- Golden Healer connects us to the Golden Ray, the golden light of Universal Life Force, Divine Spirit, Source, or Creation, and is considered one of the Master Healers. It allows the Golden Ray to flow into the body through the Crown Chakra. This highest vibrational energy spreads its golden light throughout the body as it clears blockages and imbalances that ready the body for multi-level healing, and even reaches into our very cells to activate our crystalline, 12-strand DNA. Its energy is powerful, yet gentle, and soothing. Golden Healer is used to raise our energy vibration or frequency, which can facilitate spiritual communications over a long distance, including between worlds and dimensions. Meditation with Golden Healer connects us with Source energy. Healers can place a Golden Healer under a healing or massage table to fill the area with gentle, sustainable energy throughout the healing session. Golden Healer on an altar or grid will raise the frequency or vibration of the grid's intent. This is a powerful piece that enhances joy, peace, and oneness.
Quartz-Rose- is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief. Rose Quartz dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes. It encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance invoking self-trust and self-worth. Rose Quartz strengthens and balances the physical heart and circulatory system, and releases impurities from body fluids. It hastens recovery, reduces high blood pressure, aids chest and lung problems, heals the kidneys and adrenals, and alleviates vertigo. A good energetic support for those with leukemia. Rose Quartz has the power to increase fertility and to protect both mother and unborn fetus from miscarriage.
Rutilated Quartz- is an illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth. It cleanses and energises the aura. Draws off negative energy and disease, letting go of the past. Rutilated Quartz gives protection against the ill thoughts of others. It helps to reach the root of problems and facilitates transitions and a change of direction. Soothes dark moods and acts as an antidepressant. Rutilated Quartz relieves fears, phobias and anxiety. Promotes forgiveness at all levels. Rutilated Quartz absorbs mercury poisoning from nerves, muscles, blood and the intestinal tract. It is helpful for chronic conditions and for impotence and infertility. Aids exhaustion and lack of energy. Rutilated Quartz treats respiratory tract and bronchitis, stimulates and balances the thyroid. It stimulates cell regeneration and repairs torn tissue. Protection ♥ Determination ♥ Self-control ♥ Strength of will ♥ Self-reliance ♥ Firmness
Snow Quartz-is also sometimes known as the observation crystal. It will remind you to view the world with the heart and through the eyes of a child, but with the wisdom, knowledge, and experience of an adult. It's a crystal that will help you overcome your victimhood and martyrdom.
Quartz Druzy-Titanium -Rainbow: Increased life force and vitality., activation of the Rainbow Body, humor and relaxation, enjoyment of life.
Quartz-Smokey-In addition to the generic healing properties of Quartz, Smokey Quartz is an excellent grounding stone. It gently neutralizes negative vibrations and is detoxifying on all levels, prompting elimination of the digestive system and protecting against radiation and electromagnetic smog. SmokeyQuartz disperses fear, lifts depression and negativity. It brings emotional calmness, relieving stress and anxiety. Promotes positive thoughts and action, and alleviates suicidal tendencies. Dispels nightmares and manifests your dreams. Smokey Quartz aids concentration and assists in communication difficulties. Smokey Quartz dissolves cramps, strengthens the back and fortifies the nerves. It is particularly effective for abdomen, hips and legs. Relieves headaches, back pain, eases muscular spasms. Smokey Quartz benefits the reproductive system, the heart, muscles and nerve tissue. It regulates liquids within the body and aids assimilation of minerals.
Quartz-Black Tibetan- Tibetan Quartz acts as a psychic cleanser, clearing debris from the aura and allowing full spectrum light to fill our physical and energetic bodies. Tibetan Quartz helps to rapidly expand our consciousness in order to release emotional attachments and commune with higher planes. Tibetan Quartz is believed to aid in healing the nervous system, repairing the myelin sheath, brain, and nerve ganglia. Tibetan Quartz often contains inclusions of Hematite, carbon, or water. A very high-vibration stone, Tibetan Quartz is said to resonate to the sound of OM, and has been traditionally used for spiritual protection and raising human consciousness.
Quartz-Yellow-Imbued with the energy of the sun, Yellow is the most healing of all colors. It resonates with the Solar Plexus which is where all our main organs lie. It signifies optimism, well-being, blessings and hope that better days are here. Yellow relates to our self-worth, how we feel about ourselves, our mental health and our self-confidence. It is often the most needed color for our spiritual well-being, but the most over looked as it is not most peoples go to choice in clothing, shoes and jewelry. Because so many of the world’s population are lacking in exposure to yellow, it has become the color that most captures our attention on the color spectrum. We see yellow first before any other color. Why? Because on a sub conscious level our bodies are craving more yellow. Its vibrant color increases metabolism which speeds up brain function, our natural healing ability and recovery time after small procedures. It enables clarity of mind, quick thinking and decision making. It unblocks channels of communication and enhances creativity. It is often given as a good luck stone for anyone sitting important exams or interviews. Yellow Quartz eliminates self-doubt, anxiety and depression.
Rhodochrosite- is a stone that integrates physical and spiritual energies, stimulating love and passion while energizing the soul. Rhodochrosite opens the heart, lifting depression and encouraging a positive and cheerful outlook. It improves self-worth and soothes emotional stress. Rhodochrosite encourages a positive attitude, creativity and innovation, and enhances dream states. Rhodochrosite regulates and stabilizes the heart beat, balances blood pressure and stimulates circulation, the kidneys and reproductive organs. It alleviates migraines, skin disorders, thyroid imbalances, and intestinal problems. Rhodochrosite purifies the circulatory system and restores poor eyesight. Chakras – Heart; Zodiac-Leo, Scorpio
Rhodonite-is a stone of compassion, an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past, and that nurtures love. It stimulates, clears and activates the heart. Rhodonite grounds energy, balances yin-yang, and aids in achieving one’s highest potential. It heals emotional shock and panic. Rhodonite aids in cases of emotional self-destruction, codependency and abuse. It encourages unselfish self-love and forgiveness. Promotes remaining calm in dangerous or upsetting situations. Builds confidence and alleviates confusion. Rhodonite relieves insect bites and can reduce scarring. It aids bone growth and the hearing organs. Rhodonite stimulates fertility. It treats emphysema, auto-immune diseases and stomach ulcers. Eases inflammation of joints and arthritis. Chakras -Heart Zodiac – Taurus,
Planet– Venus , Element –Earth
Ruby: ♥ Integrity ♥ Devotion ♥ Happiness ♥ Healing ♥ Courage ♥ Passion ♥ Enthusiasm ♥ Generosity ♥ Inspiration ♥ Prosperity ♥ High Energy ♥ Power and Leadership ..Ruby is a red gemstone variety of Corundum. Ruby is a 40th Anniversary gemstone. Chakras-Base Chakra,Heart Chakra Birthstone- July Zodiac-Aries,Cancer,Leo,Scorpio,Sagittarius Planet- Sun Element- Fire
Typical colours -Pinkish-red to red …...Ruby encourages passion and a zest for life. It improves motivation and setting of realistic goals. Balances the heart and instills confidence. Ruby encourages joy, spontaneity, laughter and courage. It promotes positive dreams and stimulates the pineal gland. Aids in retaining wealth and passion. Ruby encourages removal of negative energies from your path. It overcomes exhaustion and lethargy and imparts potency and vigor. Calms hyperactivity. Ruby detoxifies the body, blood and lymphatic system. It treats fevers, infectious disease and restricted blood flow. Ruby stimulates the adrenals, kidneys, reproductive organs and spleen.
Ruby Fuchsite-When it comes to physical healing, Ruby in Fuchsite promotes physical strength and vitality. It can also provide relief and recovery from chronic illnesses or from extended stays at the hospital. It can assist in strengthening the heart and in improving the blood circulation. It can also address issues with sleep.
Ruby Zoisite (Anyolite)- ♥ Self-control ♥ Self-esteem ♥ Healing ♥ Harmony ♥ Dream recall ♥ Relaxation Anyolite is a combination of Ruby within Zoisite and is also known as Ruby Zoisite. Chakras- Base Chakra, Heart Chakra Zodiac -Aries Typical colours- pink to crimson-red in green or black Anyolite creates an altered state of consciousness, enabling you to reach and utilize talents and abilities of the mind. It stimulates psychic abilities. Increases awareness of ones individuality. Anyolite instills joy, spontaneity, laughter and courage, bringing passion and a zest for life. It increases sexual activity, treating impotency and frigidity. Anyolite improves circulation and quality of the blood, and heart disorders. It aids in recovery from disorders associated with diminished physical vitality.
Sapphire- Known as the "wisdom stone", each color of Sapphire brings its own particular wisdom. It releases mental tension, depression, unwanted thoughts and spiritual confusion. Sapphire restores balance within the body, aligning the physical, mental and spiritual planes, bringing serenity and peace of mind. It stimulates concentration, brings lightness, joy and peace of mind. Sapphire is also known as a "stone of prosperity", attracting gifts of all kinds and fulfilling dreams and desires. Sapphire treats blood disorders, combating excessive bleeding and strengthening the walls of the veins. It is used for cellular disorders, regulates the glands and calms overactive body systems. Chakras- dependent on color ;Birthstone- September;Zodiac-Virgo,Libra,Sagittarius ;Planet- Saturn ;Typical colors -Blue, yellow, black, pink, white, indigo, green In addition to the generic healing properties of Sapphire, specific colors have additional attributes:
Blue Sapphire- is traditionally associated with purity and love. It assists you to stay on the spiritual path, releasing blockages and providing strength. Blue Sapphire facilitates self-expression, assisting in communication and expressing your truth and beliefs. It opens and heals the thyroid and the throat chakra and has a calming and balancing effect on the nervous system. Chakras-Throat ;Zodiac -Gemini
Star Sapphire - the “Stone of Destiny.” They associated the star's three crossbars with Faith, Hope, and Destiny. (Corundum star stones have three crossbars and six rays, while other species, like garnets, show stars with two crossbars and four rays). Star sapphires are high soothing and calming stones. It helps in the release of psychological tension as well as unwanted thoughts. It helps in boosting your mental awareness, encouraging you to open your mind to better thinking and intuition. Then, it restores balance within your body to bring lightness, happiness and joy. Sapphires were long favored and praised for bringing in the divine favor and energies. As a matter of fact, it was referenced in various religious histories. For instance, the Hebrews refer to it as the Stone of Divine Glory, Prophecy and Wisdom. Meanwhile, the Greeks claim it as the jewel of Apollo, their sun god. It was worn when consulting the Delphi oracle in order to provide enhanced wisdom to understand the answers give
Sardonyx-combines the grounding and protecting energies of Onyx, with the strength and courage energies of Carnelian. This stone helps bring out one’s inner strength, to move it towards accomplishing your dreams and goals. Sardonyx should serve as a daily reminder that anything is possible in life as long as you put all your energy and focus into it. Carnelian is a stone that will push one to stop at nothing until they get what they truly want. When naturally combined with Onyx, Sardonyx makes one truly believe and realize their desires are within reach. So often do we focus on the negative side of things, like how far away we are from joy, happiness and success that we tend to get discouraged. Sardonyx pushes one past that point and provides the mental clarity needed to continue on our life path.
Selenite - ♥ Serenity ♥ Purification ♥ Peace ♥ Meditation ♥ Universal consciousness ♥ Clarity of thought ♥ Purity of heart ♥ Universal love ♥ Integrity ♥ Spirituality ♥ Psychic development ♥ Forgiveness ♥ Positive thoughts ..Selenite is a chrystalline variety of the mineral gypsum. It is a very soft mineral which can be easily scratched with a fingernail and therefore not recommended for jewelery. If placed in water, Selenite will revert to gypsum. Selenite provides for clarity of the mind, expanding ones awareness of the self and of ones surroundings. It opens the crown and higher crown chakras and accesses angelic consciousness and higher guidance. It can be used to access past lives as well as future lives. Selenite is a calming stone that instills deep peace and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work. It assists judgement and insight. It clears confusion and aids in seeing the deeper picture. Selenite aligns the spinal column and promotes flexibility. It corrects deformities of the skeletal system and can stabilise epileptic disorders. It is used to improve disorders associated with metal poisoning due to teeth fillings and can reverse the effects of "free radicals" in the cell structure. Effects that can be overcome include cancer, tumours, age spots, wrinkles and light sensitivity.Chakras -Crown Chakra Zodiac-Taurus Typical colours -White, Grey, Green, Orange, Brown
Golden Selenite- "The golden sword of truth". To become one (reconnect with) with unconditional love, ALL THAT IS, in essence, your truest, highest self. You ARE Divine Source. Often, we get all caught up in the physical aspects and experiences of our current situation and during those times we may be removed from our own divinity.
Is a high vibration crystal, well above the 7 common body chakras we all know. This goes well into the auric chakras (8th through 12, sometimes more depending on who you read/study with). Working with the golden Selenite will help to connect and align ALL together. To clear and unblock unwanted energies. It will, at the same time fill all bodies both physical and above with golden, healing light. Golden Selenite brings a unique and instantaneous sense of clarity on the highest of levels. It is a calming stone that instils deep peace and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work. It assists judgement and insight. It clears confusion and aids in seeing the deeper picture. Selenite aligns the spinal column and promotes flexibility. A powerful, beautiful, and high vibrational Crystal that have come to light calling in the highest frequency of white light and the Golden Ray of Buddha, some say, storing Ancient Priestess teachings. Focuses are on joy, manifestation, and creation/creative energies and are really good for digestive issues and addictions, as the dis-ease of one’s will. There’s something both inner Earth and Cosmic about it and as Selenite is an embodiment of “As Above, So Below”. Also a direct connection to the Angels and working with them for healing and guideance. Golden Selenite is an excellent tool to use when working to "cut cords" or release energy that is not in line with your current understanding/experiences. ( best when used on yourself)
Seraphenite- Any stone named after angels has a reputation to live up to, and seraphinite is no exception. The "angel wing stone" is thought to aid connection with the spiritual world, enhance detoxification (both physical and spiritual), encourage positive energy and--more prosaically--prevent snakebite. In feng shui, seraphinite is said to bring wood energy (associated with growth, new developments, health and vitality). Although it is not an official birthstone, seraphinite is associated with the zodiac sign Sagittarius. It has been linked to the heart chakra.
Serpentine- Longevity Remembrance of past lives Serpentine is the correct name for New Jade. An earthing stone, Serpentine also opens new pathways for the Kundalini energy. It aids in meditation and enhances spiritual exploration. Serpentine assists the retrieval of wisdom, helping to regain memory of past lives. It clears the chakras and stimulates the crown chakra, opening psychic abilities. Serpentine assists the conscious direction of healing energy toward problem areas. It corrects mental and emotional imbalances, helping you to feel more in control of your life. Serpentine treats diabetes and hypoglycemia. It eliminates parasites within the body, and aids in the absorption of calcium and magnesium. Serpentine is extremely cleansing and detoxifying for the body and blood. Zodiac-Gemini Element- Earth, Air. Typical colors -Green, black-green, brown-red, brown-yellow, white.\
Shiva Ligam: Narmada River Lingams (India) - Found only in the Narmada River in India, Lingams (also called Shiva Lingams or Bana Lingams) are a variety of cryptocrystalline quartz that is oval in shape and contains earthy hues, usually two-toned. In ancient Sanskrit, Shiva Lingam means a sign or symbol. These Lingams are gathered once a year in a special ceremony and then polished by hand. The shape of the Shiva Lingam makes it a powerful energy generator appropriate for healing a unique tool for meditation and cleansing. The natural shaping and polishing process forms a very balanced ritual object that combines both masculine and feminine attributes, providing a unified vibration. The Shiva Lingam is a stone of insight, allowing the user to recognize and let go of things (feelings, emotions, etc.) that no longer serve or have been outgrown. The lingam represents the center axis of life, connecting earth with universe. Lingam is symbolic of the Divine Creative Manifestation. The Lingam shape is representative of the power of Shiva, the Lord of Creation, and the masculine creative energy. The markings, also known as the yoni, symbolize the feminine energy, the seed which is fertilized to manifest the creative power in the dance of the cosmos. Geologists theorize that the iron oxide, of which the yoni is composed, was impregnated in the river bed millions of years ago by a meteorite. Lingams are only found at the Narmada River high in the mountains of Mandhata, one of the seven sacred holy places of pilgrimage in India. Each Lingam contains sacred markings symbolic of the marks on Lord Shiva's forehead. The stones are "Crypto Crystalline Quartz", said to contain the loftiest vibration of all stones on Earth. They emanate a vibration that will purify your temple or home. The stone represents both the male energy of knowledge & the female energy of wisdom. No two stones are alike
Shungite-is a rare, carbon-based, noncrystalline rock that comes from the Karelia area of Russia, in a village called Shun’ga, from where it got its name. This unique, black mineral may have dated as far back as two billion years ago. It contains fullerenes, which are molecules composed almost entirely of carbon. Shungite, which looks similar to coal, has the ability of conducting electromagnetic and geothermal energy, and yet absorbs and shields the body from electromagnetic emissions such as those caused by computers, microwaves, Wi-Fi and the like. Shungite can also absorb negative energy and remove it from a person or even an entire space. It will replace stress and negative emotions into positive energy, while at the same time keeping the user grounded and protected. Not only does Shungite remove negativity, but will also rid the body of pollutants, bacteria, viruses and free radicals. Use Shungite to detoxify the body, bolster the immune system and relieve pain and inflammation. It can ease headaches and insomnia. Shungite helps with a variety of issues and ailments, from asthma and arthritis to chronic fatigue syndrome, pancreatic conditions and cardiovascular disease. Shungite is a hard-working, no-nonsense mineral. It needs to be recharged and cleansed on a regular basis in order to continue its work. Noble Shungite- same, just more purified
Sodalite- brings order and calmness to the mind. It encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth and intuition, along with verbalization of feelings. Sodalite brings emotional balance and calms panic attacks. It enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust. Sodalite balances the metabolism, boosts the immune system and overcomes calcium deficiencies. It combats radiation damage by soaking up electromagnetic smog. Sodalite treats the throat, vocal cords, larynx and helps with hoarseness and digestive disorders. It cools fevers, lowers blood pressure and stimulates the absorption of body fluids. Sodalite can also help to prevent insomnia. Chakras – Throat & Third Eye ; Zodiac – Sagittarius; Planet – Moon; Element – Water & Air
Sunset Sodalite-enhances both logic and intuition, helping us to better navigate the world around us. It help us to work well in groups and to better understand the odd behaviors and unspoken rules of other people. Sunset Sodalite also brings gifts of self-confidence and self-acceptance.
Stilbite-Stilbite exhibits a wonderful spiritual energy. Stilbite is often used for psychic guidance and creativity. Carrying a fine, loving vibration, Stilbite can help with all kinds of metaphysical endeavors, and especially with spiritual travel. It is known that people often lose all or some of their memories of spiritual or other metaphysical experiences due to the fact that, to facilitate such experiences, usually a deeper meditative state, such as beta or theta, is necessary. Stilbite is believed to aid in remembering those experiences.
Stilbite has a vibration that reminds one of Universal Love and connection. Just holding a piece of gentle Stilbite reminds you that you are loved and cared for regardless of your circumstances. Stilbite raises one’s consciousness of universal love. Use Stilbite on the Third Eye for help with intuition and psychic ability. Stilbite is helpful in learning acceptance and letting go, which is in turn can aid in manifestation work. Stilbite facilitates clarity of thought, even in the most confusing circumstances. Chakras – Heart & Crown
Stromatolite-grounds us to the earth through activating the Root Chakra. These fossilized layers of algae are believed to be some of the earliest forms of life on our planet, and are therefore portals to the infinite knowledge of earth-bound life and existence. The wisdom of Stromatolite can be accessed through consistent meditation practice and offers nurturing, joy, truth, transformation, and resolution. It also is an ideal stone to work with for new beginnings, self-discovery, confidence, and a sense of purpose.
Sugilite- Sugilite is a marvelous stone for helping children feel safe and centered, and to adapt to the world around them. Place on a nightstand or under the pillow to counter insomnia, ward off nightmares, and encourage nurturing, vivid dreams. A small piece in a child’s pocket or backpack boosts confidence and eases social situations; it is also thought to provide extra support for children with autism, dyslexia and other learning disabilities, as well as those with extra-sensory gifts. Pink Sugilite is good for resolving inner hurt, and can be especially consoling for adopted children who have tracked down their birth parents and were rejected.
Sugilite is considered one of the most important love stones. It represents spiritual love and wisdom - opening and aligning all the chakras to love with its beautiful purple rays. This loving stone teaches and protects in matters of spiritual quests, love, and forgiveness. Protects the soul from shocks and trauma Clears disappointments and relieves spiritual tension Brings light and love to the darkest situations Aids forgiveness by eliminating hostility Place sugilite on the third eye to alleviate despair. Hold to the forehead for headaches. To increase protective energies of sugilite, combine with amethyst. To assist in the grounding of light in the physical world, combine with hematite. Beautiful violet-purple Sugilite, also called Luvulite, is a major spiritual stone, promoting individual as well as universal love. Sugilite is said to aid in understanding the “big questions” in life. Especially helpful for those who feel alienated and alone, Sugilite allows the user to understand the purpose for their existence, and the reason for their life lessons. Sugilite helps to promote self forgiveness and acceptance. Sugilite can help one to release anger and rage, helping one to recognize struggles as necessary for ones growth. Great for dreamwork, Sugilite can be held during sleep to help release nightmares, bringing one to a truly restful, regenerative sleep state. Especially good for those who are empathic, Sugilite can offer energetic protection from outside negative energies. Meditating with Sugilite can help to pull in higher vibrations, and bring them into the earth's energy field. Known as the healer’s stone, Sugilite is said to enhance one’s healing and psychic abilities. Sugilite is also believed by some to lesson learning disabilities like dyslexia, and to help with more serious disorders such as Schizophrenia and Autism. Physically, Sugilite aids with addictions and eating disorders. Sugilite is a wonderful companion to keep near when dealing with headaches, migraines or any type of pain issues. Sugilite is a great piece to keep in your collection, as it will help the body to heal and repair itself.
Sunstone- is linked to luck and good fortune. It clears and energizes all the chakras. Sunstone instills good nature, heightens intuition and allows the real self to shine through happily. It dissipates fearfulness, alleviates stress and increases vitality. Encourages independence and originality. Especially helpful to those who have difficulty saying “No” to others. Sunstone facilitates self-empowerment and independence. It acts as an antidepressant. Increases self-worth and confidence. Encourages optimism and enthusiasm. Stimulates self-healing powers. Sunstone treats chronic sore throats, reduces stomach tension and relieves ulcers. It treats cartilage and spinal problems. Chakras – Sacral & Solar Plexus ; Zodiac – Leo & Libra
Tanzinite:is called a "stone of magic" that helps with spiritual awareness and psychic insight. It is also sometimes called the "workaholic's stone". This is because it helps you slow down and take it easy. This in turn, brings success in more areas of life. It relieves stress and depression, and enhances composure, poise, and harmony. Tanzanite is also said to transmute negativity. Physically it is said in healing folklore and crystal healing to be beneficial for stress related illnesses and high blood pressure in particular. Tanzanite is related primarily to the throat and third eye chakras. It is an important communication stone, giving one the ability to speak the truth. Promotes compassion, Raises consciousness in meditation, Calms an overactive mind, brings on a peaceful understanding of one's own heart. This stone activates several chakras from the heart to the crown and is used to link the mind with the heart.
Tektite: Tektites are used for wisdom, knowledge, and to help withstand mental or emotional "stumbling." They are also used to diminish or overcome challenges with mental processes. Psychically they are used for extraterrestrial communication, astral travel, and lucid dreaming. Tektites are also used to strengthen one's energy field. Meditation with a tektite will increase telepathy. Carry tektite for heightened psychic sensitivity, psychic travel, increase energy field, open and clear the lower chakras.Tektites are gravel-size bodies composed of black, green, brown or gray natural glass formed from terrestrial debris ejected during meteorite impacts. They generally range in size from millimeters to centimeters.
Tektite – Libyan Gold- are highly protective crystals and are beneficial to strengthen your will. They are a lovely golden yellow color and are recognized as powerful manifestation tools. These unusual stones vibrate strongly within the solar plexus chakra, which is the seat of the will in the body, and they embody within them the vibration of the Golden ray, a powerful spiritual energy. .These crystals are also called Libyan Gold Tektite and have a good energy to guard you against any negative psychic energy being deposited in the solar plexus or in any other area of the body. This area works as a psychic shield, and these stones help the process by creating a strong resonance in this area. The metaphysical properties of these yellow crystals are very impressive. This is a helpful stone for those who feel that they do not belong on this earth, and who feel they may originate from elsewhere in the universe.
Thulite- is a good stone to aid in breaking destructive habits and fighting addiction. It gives us the strength to move on from the errors of our past. It is a strong healing stone, also known to improve concentration, balance and coordination.
Tiger Eye- A Stone Of Protection, Tiger Eye May Also Bring Good Luck To The Wearer. It Has The Power To Focus The Mind, Promoting Mental Clarity, Assisting Us To Resolve Problems Objectively And Unclouded By Emotions. Particularly Useful For Healing Psychosomatic Illnesses, Dispelling Fear And Anxiety. Useful For Recognizing One’s Own Needs In Relation To The Needs Of Others. Balancing Yin-Yang And Energizing The Emotional Body, Tiger Eye Stabilizes Mood Swings, Imbues Us With Willpower, Purpose, Courage And Self-Confidence, And Releases Tension. Tiger Eye Treats Eyes, Throat And Reproductive Organs, Releases Toxins, Alleviates Pain And Is Helpful In Repairing Broken Bones And Strengthening The Alignment Of The Spinal Column. In Addition To The Generic Healing Properties Of Tiger Eye, Specific Colors Have Additional Attributes: Chakras – Sacral, Solar Plexus; Zodiac – Capricorn; Planet-Sun; Element-Fire & Earth
Tiger Eye-Blue-Is Calming And Releases Stress. It Aids The Quick-Tempered, Overanxious And Phobic. Slows The Metabolism, Cools An Overactive Sex Drive And Dissolves Sexual Frustrations. Chakras -Throat Chakra
Tiger Eye-Gold- Has Been Noted For A Very Long Time As Physical And Spiritual Protector. It Has Associations With Warriors And Shamans For Centuries. Said To Contain The Lions Roar It Wards Off Both Physical And Spiritual Danger. Its Bright And Strong Colors Inspire Physical Strength, Well-Being, Bravery, Courage Against Adversity, Honesty And A Positive Self View. Through This Enhanced Self-View Animal Instincts May Also Increase. Magical Use:Bravery, Courage, Animal States, Warding, Healing. Healing Use:Skin, Muscle, Circulation, Eyes, Ears, Liver.
Tiger Eye-Red - A Stimulating Stone, Red Tiger Eye Overcomes Lethargy And Provides Motivation. It Speeds Up A Slow Metabolism. Red Tiger Eye Increases A Low Sex Drive. Chakras – Base Chakra
Tiger Iron- brings out creative and artistic abilities. It is helpful if suffering from deep exhaustion at any level, especially emotional or mental burn-out or family stress. Tiger Iron stimulates vitality and aids in the assimilation of B vitamins and to balance the red/white blood cell count. It strengthens the muscles and aids in production of natural steroids. Zodiac-Leo
Tourmaline-aids in understanding oneself and others. It promotes self-confidence and diminishes fear. Tourmaline attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity. It balances the right-left sides of the brain. Helps treat paranoia, overcomes dyslexia and improves hand-eye coordination. Tourmaline releases tension, making it helpful for spinal adjustments. It balances male-female energy within the body. Enhances energy and removes blockages. In addition to the generic healing properties of Tourmaline, specific colours have additional attributes:
Black Tourmaline– AKA- Schorl- Chakras – Base; Zodiac - Capricorn Black Tourmaline can be used to both repel and protect against negativity. It is excellent for deflecting radiation energy. It enhances ones physical well being by providing an increase in physical vitality, emotional stability, and intellectual acuity.
Blue Tourmaline- also called indicolite or indigolite: is a very rare and special kind of tourmaline. The word Indicolite is derived from the Latin word, meaning 'indicum plant'. The soothing blue color promotes a calming effect, and offers relief from stress. Chakras-Throat Zodiac-Libra & Taurus Planet- Saturn
Green Tourmaline - also known as Verdelite, is perhaps Nature's best healing crystal of the physical heart, channeling its electrical energies into the center of one's being and creating a flow of wholesome energy to all parts of the body and self. It is the masculine, or yang counterpart to the feminine heart energies of Pink Tourmaline, and enhances courage and strength, stamina and vitality. Its spiritual vibrations harmonize with the energies of the Earth as it opens the Heart Chakra and stimulates a strong resonance with Divine Love. Green Tourmaline*s invigorating qualities make it an excellent stone to use or wear to relieve chronic fatigue and exhaustion. Turning negative energy into positive, Green Tourmaline helps one to *see with the heart* and witness the miracles of life. It encourages a feeling of gratitude, and promotes interest in fellow human beings and the environment. Is soothing for sleep and quiets the mind. It may be used to reduce claustrophobia and panic attacks, and is beneficial for hyperactive children. It can help stimulate proper cellular function and regeneration, and is excellent to aid in etherically treating cancers or other cell-growth imbalances. It is one of the strongest stones for vibrational healing of the heart. It assists in overcoming emotional problems associated with a father figure or other male forces one's life Chakras-Heart Zodiac- Capricorn Planet- Mercury
Pink Tourmaline- Wearing Pink Tourmaline throughout the day helps release stress, worries, depression and anxiety. It can be used in partnership with Black Tourmaline to diffuse obsessive behavior. It is one of the most loving stones for children. It provides comfort to those who have suffered any form of abuse, helps with sleep issues, and is particularly useful for spiritually sensitive Indigo children for its calming, centering qualities and assistance in considering consequences before taking action. It is specifically used to treat motion sickness. It may also assist in restoring luster and shine to hair and nails. A primary stone of the Heart Chakra, Pink Tourmaline links to the Crown Chakra infusing love and spirituality, encouraging compassion and gentleness during periods of growth and changes as humanity works toward enlightenment Chakras-Heart Birthstone-0ctober
Tourmaline (Multicolor) aids in understanding oneself and others. It promotes self-confidence and diminishes fear. Tourmaline attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity. It balances the right-left sides of the brain. Helps treat paranoia, overcomes dyslexia and improves hand-eye coordination. Tourmaline releases tension, making it helpful for spinal adjustments. It balances male-female energy within the body. Enhances energy and removes blockages.
Turquoise-is a purification stone. It dispels negative energy and can be worn to protect against outside influences or pollutants in the atmosphere. Turquoise balances and aligns all the chakras, stabilizing mood swings and instilling inner calm. It is excellent for depression and exhaustion, it also has the power to prevent panic attacks. Turquoise promotes self-realization and assists creative problem solving. It is a symbol of friendship, and stimulates romantic love. Turquoise aids in the absorption of nutrients, enhances the immune system, stimulates the regeneration of issue, and heals the whole body. It contains anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects, and alleviates cramps and pain. Turquoise purifies lungs, soothes and clears sore throats, and heals the eyes, including cataracts. It neutralizes over-acidity, benefits rheumatism, gout, stomach problems, and viral infections. In addition to the generic healing properties of Turquoise, specific colors have additional attributes. Chakras – Heart, Throat & Third Eye ; Birthstone – December; Zodiac – Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius & Pisces; Planets – Venus & Neptune; Element – Air & Fire
Turquoise-Yellow/Green- helps to connect with spirit and brings the energy of the sky down to earth.
Zebra Stone- A Stone of the 'Two That Are One' The Yin-Yang Stone Half black and half white, Zebra Stone is as its name implies - a stone whose rhythmic pattern resembles that of the zebra. Through its own image, this striking stone is all about balance. Like the yin/yang of Chinese philosophy, Zebra Stone also possesses balanced qualities of opposing, yet complimentary, forces. When combined, a dynamic equilibrium is reached, and we are then awakened to the prospect of eternity and how it relates to the turn of the Wheel. With black stripes to match its name sake animal, Zebra stone is one of the best stones for pain management. It is used to treat bone, teeth and gum issues, as well as vitamin deficiencies, muscle spasms and heart palpitations. Zebra stone stimulates physical energy and is a good stone for athletes. The energy of zebra stone is very mood lifting, energetic, and motivating. It reminds the bearer that it is impossible to give away all of one’s energy and love; the eternal source of energy and love is always available, accessible and is constantly being replenished. Thought to help with depression and anxiety, Zebra Stone is a stone that can help us connect to Mother Earth and to the infinite energy of love in the universe. Zebra Stone, by these connections, can show us our own true natures and help us see past illusion and to the heart of what we really desire. It is a protective stone, and is used for stamina, self-control and the mastery of thoughts. It aids in the actualization of desires.
Green Zebra Stone– is a motivational stone, known as an “anti0apathy” stone. It allows you to be optimistic, despite life's stresses and gives you more initiative to tackle those problems. It will encourage you to dare to dream and turn those dreams into reality. It is also a grounding stone, allowing you to tune into Mother Earth and find Joy in your surroundings. Astrological sign: Libra, Virgo : Primary Chakra: Root Chakra
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